Warp It Up

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"To sum it all up, this war that's been going on for years was all futile! cause of some miss understanding that none of you confirmed first!" Kim Li roared making everyone shut their mouth

Li Cheng shivered when Kim Li's attention was directed his way "And for ! you are supposed to be a ruler, but you didn't even dug deep enough to understand what this on going war in deeper waters! That we could have prevented all those bloody years" Kim Li stated glaring at Li Cheng.

The room temperature dropped down even more as Kim Li gave all of the personnel involved a death glare

While A-Jin just sighed and decided to get her mistress attention and let the room ease up a bit.

"Your highness it's almost time for
Mike's training" A-Jin stated that made Kim Li turn to her then to the said wolf , who's already looking bored as F***

"Let's warp this up, you guys should fix, repent and rethink your choices, you've killed more men in this on going war, and those poor souls have families and kids who wished for them to still be alive and kicking that you all took! The Children are the hope of society and if you cruelly broke them one way or another, this type of society wont prosper.. NOT EVEN THE SLIGHTEST.. " Kim Li gave out her last lesson as she took her leave a long with Mike and A-Jin with a loud bang from the door.

As soon as Kim Li left the room they all got to breath much more easier as the tense feeling in the room suddenly disappear and from there they knew not to mess with the said woman.

The masters were already convinced that she's strong and her words are absolute, as if someone pushed her to her limits they knew that all hell will break lose, and as a proof they can take the whole mansion's and mental state of there's as an example of one of her simple and light punishments.

While they all still stunned at what Kim Li have said, the later is currently giggling with A-Jin as they teach Mike a new trick.

"Your Highness is it really okay to leave them like that after you reveal that you are related to them?"A-Jin

"It's Fine, at least I didn't hear any long scolding session from father" -Kim Li

"It is true the Marquis tend to reprimand you through and through." A-Jin commented remembering the time when the empress get hours of scolding cause she flip the General's mansion right side up.

and She didn't even look like she'd repent of that day, though she rumbled about how unfair her father is cause that He took every tool she fancy.

'her highness did change and become wiser, braver and more compassionate than before yet I'm glad that she still the same princess my mother used to serve' A-Jin thought as she enjoyed the rest of the day with the empress and Mike

the next morning Kim Li have instructed Li Cheng that its time for them to go back and take full responsibility of the empire as their Empress and Emperor

cause she knew that Jun Meng already got enough of the power struggle with those old people trying to pin the responsibility to the one at the throne and for all those days that they were absent, he must have had a hard time.

With the kingdom of assassins can't do anything but to follow their princess daughter as they are still repenting of what they've done wrong cause her words got through then and decided to at least make up for the headaches that they cause for their potential heir for the next generation

Though Kim Li already declared that she's not interested in another pile of work and ask them to give Red the position as she's already occupied at her own Empire's annoying paperwork.,

Red and Kim Li surprisingly got along before and after the truth was out, but after it was revealed Red become more comfortable hanging out with his cousin Kim Li, and surprisingly he's asking her pointers at how to organize and run an empire.

One thing that made Kim Li decide that her vacation was over is that she have a growing problem back at the empire as, Li Cheng's harem is the first in her list that causes her headaches, and that's the main purpose of why she and her emperor have to go back as she heard some nasty rumors, from A-Jin when she asked her to buy her some cheese at the town's market to make some stuffed cheese potato

but when she return there are rumors spreading that the Empress is cheating the Emperor with another man.,

Or the Empress is switching side and aiding the enemy and letting the entire empire believe that Jun Meng can't control the people's freedom of speech,

Since his not yet truly trained to be a heartless person to sit on that throne.

and that her irked and wanting to find as of how deep the damage that's been made at her end. She also wanted to know as of who is responsible for such rumors, so she could tor-... I mean tutor them how to gather accurate information and how to publish it more effectively.

they still don't know how to bring juicy information to life, and that's just how easy and basic it is with someone who came from the era with social media.

'Time to deal the mess that the harem caused back home, and here I thought that I could enjoy more peaceful days with out seeing those bitches that's always giving me headaches

'Why does royalty need a harem anyway? Why can't they just choose one then be marry with just one! I'm the one having headaches with those bitches!'

While Kim Li kept ranting inside her head Li Cheng sneezed multiple times now while they further discus their next move.

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