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"Even the embroidery skill is a bit shabby, my point is the accuracy or the depth behind the piece that the ladies thought of., the future crown princess should learn how to conceal her thoughts yet at the same time be very clear with her  opinion.," Kim Li argued

"You might be right, but I still got the right to say what I want" he smirked after telling her that

"Urgh! Your so unreasonable! What?! you want any of this woman to be your concubine than to be the crown princess?! You know that you could just tell me than provoke me to anger!" Kim Li snapped

Everyone present gasp at her words while some ladies were expecting that they might be one to be the one the emperor fancy rather than being the crown princess

"You!" Li Cheng cant hide his embarrassment while he eyed his empress, he took a deep sigh and told his brother to only just pick two or three candidates for the next trial while he dragged his grumpy wife to their supposed to be chambers.

"Let go of me!" Kim Li snatched her hand as Li Cheng held both of her shoulders

"I know your upset at me for hiding my brother from your sight, and for me taking my brother's side and intentionally hurt Ven through the process, but is it really necessary for you to act this way?" Li cheng calmy stated as he's praying to every God out there that they should calm his empress already

As he don't want to be caught up with her pranks in case she's that bored to aim all of her frustrations on him.

"Yes I have a right to act this way, as you did something wrong and blinded yourself cause you could benefit from it! Your an emperor for crying out loud, you shouldn't be partial to anyone and always be level headed giving out both orders and punishment!" Kim Li shrugged his hand and pushed him away to create some distance between them.

"Even so you Atleast you shouldn't have said that in front so many people, that I fancy someone with in the crown princess candidates!"

"So what if I assume that you really do like someone with in them? You intentionally going a against me to piss me off.? You knew that I've made my point clear yet you insisted going against me! Tell me what's your deal?!" Kim Li burst out having a really bad headache overthinking how Li Cheng kept gaslighting her,

What she actually did wrong for him to annoy her so much, she clearly know that she doesn't need any validation from anyone but after all that she did for the empire her husband still won't change his perspectives on certain things.

That frustrates her most as she wanted for the both of them to be on the same page yet she felt that his lacking three to four chapters behind.

"Okay! I apologize for what I've said and done to upset you, it's just that I can't bare not to help my brother who's that hurt because of her mare words."

"Your majesty your brother is just being a coward and you being his brother is tolerating that., he clearly love the girl yet can't confess his tittle from the beginning? Have you both have been lied to? Deceived? Or were hidden some important stuff that in the first place you should already know about, how can you make a move if you can't trust the information you've gain? Our feeling ain't a gamble, we're human and we all don't want to get hurt or we'll retaliate!" Kim Li is frustrated at him that much, making her combed her hair in frustration and in the process ruining her hairdo.

"Then forgive me if I ever did you wrong but Jun Meng is still my precious brother and I don't like seeing him hurt, do take that to account"

Li Cheng said sincerely making Kim Li stopped at her sharp glares as she took a deep sigh before facing him with a completely calm facial expression

" I understand that you cared for Jun Meng that much and so do I, but the thing that I want you to understand is that you've hurt someone innocent just for your brother's own mess? Jun Meng will not learn his lesson if your the one blocking him from learning at all!" Kim Li stated while pointing her finger at Li Cheng witch the later of getting annoyed at her street like gestures.

He grabbed both of her hands and pinned her to the wall, and it startled her.

His face is grim as she look at straight in his eyes, pain was all over his face and it made her change her mind to go a little bit easy on him and actually calm down to just talk it out.

"Kim Li I know how it felt to be betrayed, deceived and naive... it hurts so much that I needed you to pull me back., I don't want Jun Meng to be in that situation" He let go of her hand and slumped on her shoulder "you know how conflicted I was and because of this tittle I can't be weak like a normal person"

Kim li was stunned that his acting so weak right in front of her, and without thinking she hugged him...

"I completely understand your point, but even so Jun Meng will experience all of that if fate allows it., you can't shelter your brother all of his life." Kim li calmly said

"Now let's fix our misunderstandings and be done with it., your palace need harmony between the two of us, and we both need to take our part seriously as the one who's governing this empire" she stated pulling him out of her embrace and the both of them talked it out till the problem between them were negotiated and both parties agreed in terms and conditions.

After their long discussion both of them fell asleep as Li Cheng's hand is wrapped around Her waist.  That the later just didn't mind it

With the cherry smell of her hair he felt intoxicated and buried his face at her neck, desperately taking in her cherry sent before soundless slept beside his empress.

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