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As I entered the court room, The officials kept their head low. cause of the rumors that I've personally tortured the information out of those I called out last meeting spread in fast pace.

And to be honest I got the reaction I wanted though I still haven't set a foot over the interrogation room just yet.

"LONG LIVE YOUR HIGHNESS, LONG LIVE THY KINGDOM" they greeted as soon as I sat down

"At ease and make your reports clean and short" I ordered as I don't need a long explanation of what they did what so ever to what I've asked asked previously.

Like they're just wasting Li Cheng's time listening at how they did the order and what measures they've took which is bogus, if I say so myself

I mean they're trying hard to praise themselves that they've accomplished an easy tasked given by Li Cheng which is annoying.

"Greetings, Your highness I'm from the department of records Ti Long, the fund raising that you've talked about is already spread to the kingdom, and some already give their share without complaints, whether it was a commoner or noble a like. For two days we should already have 1/4 of the treasury" He reported all smiles

That made the rest of the officials in disbelieved.,as they all didn't expect for anyone to give their money willingly and to top of that it raises fast

"Are you sure about that official Long?" Pie Sho asked

"Yes, sir" he said

If your asking why in heavens hell his out of the interrogation room, is that Li Cheng scolded me for quiet a while for imprisoning this bastard.

Which made me irked cause it's his problem as he still chose to pollute his court by letting that guy free.

Of course we argued for some time regarding this guy, but in the end his still the one in charge..

"Your highness, report form the builders department. They are currently studying the print you made but they are having a hard time understanding it, your highness" he said nervously bowing

"I'll personally head there and give them all the details. Next" I said, as they already know to report everything first before I make an order., that way not even a second would be wasted.

" your majesty the refugees, agreed to head to the borders and participate at the war., and some of them surprisingly were familiar in combat" the department of recruitment reported

Which I nodded then the next report made me almost want to head towards the border.

" Your highness, the general sent a letter that the soldiers caught some unknown disease that affected the force of our defense ."

"Immediately send the best physicians over there and report back to me as soon as possible., Jun Meng ask for an audience from the emperor.., this should be tackled well" I said seriously worried for the soldiers. And specially for my father and brother

Then the next couple reports are all trivial things and someone discriminate the order I gave last time regarding commoners education, then a new annoying issue arise.

"Your highness, May I just ask if her highness and his majesty are still going to the border?" Official Sho asked

Which shocked everyone as to no one will handle the court affairs. Even the ones observing at the second floor are puzzled at the information.

"I'm quite interested in what you've said dear official..." I said with a slight glint in my eye

"Yes. Rumors are quite interesting your highness.." he said grinning

That make an uproar inside the court room.

"Can everyone quiet down" I asked massaging my temples as fatigued is starting to take place

"Jun Meng asked someone to clean every inch of the palace and Feng Yun chase those mice out, and don't let me do it myself or Li Cheng might flip out of his illness and deprive me of my authority" I said in all seriousness looking at them then my eyes traveled towards Official Sho

"And Official, those are too acute to be rumors I wonder as to where did the official hear about it" I said confirming it

That arouse protest from the gentlemen.

"But Your highness if both you ang his majesty go, who will lead the Empire?" Someone asked

"Jun Meng is still here and he'll be assisted by his majesty's personal aid" I said presenting Jun Meng

"I'm already familiarizing Jun Meng of his supposed to be duties as the temporary acting Emperor, so rest assured"

They seemed doubtful about their prince idle as they haven't seen the kid take interest in politics

But some are in favor as they think that they can manipulate their spoiled prince.,

"I'll be in your care." -Jun Meng

I sigh as I can read their thoughts through their facial expressions...

They literally need someone to spoon feed them., how the hell are they appointed in their positions, I rant in my head as I looked at them disappointed

"Do wipe the look on your faces gentlemen, it's disgusting to look at" i said without filter and they all immediately snapped out from their thoughts and felt ashamed that they get caught.

" Jun Meng here.. will be reporting to me, about everything that happened inside this court when his majesty and I are away., So do help him with the work in accordance to your position or I'll be looking forward to punish anyone when we come back" I said smiling sweetly that made them all speechless

I also made eye contact at my audience at the second floor.,
And smirk at Li Cheng cause I already did my part of the deal and the rest are his call.

"Yes your highness.." they chorused

"Dismissed" I said and they all fled out the room

But I didn't move an inch along with Jun Meng and Feng Yun until every official are out of the room.

"Jun Meng, let's head up and meet your brother. Let's talk about the departure date and I'll give you a rough idea about to take notes efficiently and how to shut those officials up" I said as I head towards where I saw Li Cheng

"Yes, Sister-in-law" he said and guide me at the secret staircase towards the second floor.

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