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After Jen Sho left the scene the candidates were all guided to their station, each of them will be computing a 2 year account book with different assigned years, finding the problem as to when the treasury started to decline, and the reasons of that decline as they at least need to give five suggestions on how to fix it.

At first the challenge was easy to comprehend since a princess and a noble lady are educated enough and have studied those and thought that it's a piece of cake to do ., while Ven dread and wanted to back out in an instant when she heard that they need to check a two year inventory, logbooks, documents etc, each!

As ven was busy making face of displeasure Kim li saw her and thought "yeah, I'd rather be a maid and do house chores than be stuck in-front of piles and piles of paperwork, and to top it off it's from the past where none of them have known anything about it and will need a lot of effort to finish it right with all the research needed .,

This trial will last for over two weeks to a month as they needed to research throughly and ask directly to the person involve during the investigation .

Kim Li thought that it is one of the toughest trial out of all the concubines have think of that is worthy to challenge the next lady to ware the crown.

After getting settled in their positions they scan some of the pages and get a feel to dealing with it.

But as they scan more and more the numbers went higher and higher making it too difficult to comprehend mentally.,

While ven ask someone to hand her two thick blank books and an ink as she already have her brush, that she used when accounting the sales of their business

that she left it to Gin for a while and currently guilty for not giving any word yet as they still didn't know that she took part of the trial to become the crown princess .,

Days turned to weeks and the ladies grew frustrated by the day as the tally and over all total won't sum up even if they do it again and again.

The once confident nobles are now struggling to compute their task and with the approaching deadline they all find it more and more hard as if their mind would blow up from the stress.

The time is almost up, yet the ladies are still in a frenzy gathering information after information, tryin their best to do the job right.

Kim Li keep a closed eye to their progress and she saw how competent each and every one of them, she just observed how they got information, their tactics at accounting and adapting the pressure of the deadline,

Which in her opinion is unreasonable for that kind of job where as no modern technology to make computation easier.

While Li Ching continue his paperwork with prince Jun Meng as a punishment from Kim Li for taking her sweets..

As for the concubines are gathered to plan for their next trial to surely eliminate the merchant lady that the empress support.

They also took advantage at how the empress and emperor fought and tried to please Li Ching to the best of their abilities, taking turns through the the day.

But to no avail as Li Ching was kept by the department heads busy.. as the annual taxation is about to come.

They are now starting to figure out how to increase the economy, agriculture and trades through out the other kingdoms and perform peace treaty and alliance.

The dates have passed and The financial trial was up and Kim Li is the one who's gonna check the ladies work one by one,

And by doing that she took days to recheck their work., as some of them got it right while the rest just went down hill.

As Kim Li read their work she grew more and more annoyed at their budgeting skills..

"I wish I could just give up or take a shortcut" she whined as she massaged her temple cause it's starting to ache.

A minute later kim li gave up and just look at the tally and total the comparing it to her own computation and who ever got it right that's the lady who won.

As soon as she announced who won she went to her chambers and lay down, relaxing at her soft bed closing her eyes slowly as her fatigue is catching up to her at the very moment her head meet the pillow.,

But before she drift off to wonderland shirks and screams was all she heard coming from outside her room.

"Someone help!"

"Save us!"

"Aaaahhhhh! Lion! Lion!"

"NOW WHAT!" She yelled grunting as  she tried to block the noise
But with all the noise she's now more dangerous as she walked out,
And all hell broke lose., as she saw how the wolves are running away and looking for somewhere to hide

As if a predictor is hunting them.

The soldiers are gathered at the door next to mine as the emperor and prince is currently taking a break

"WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON HERE?!" She roared making everything stop as the felines make its entrance, pride of lions to be exact

But at the moment she's more than dangerous than the feline with their hungry and malnourished appearance , compared to her sleep deprived self plus her frustration earlier and the annoying taxation in a few days to come!

"WHO'S IDEA TO BRING THE ZOO TO THE PALACE?" She shouted as everyone flinched as they all knew and saw who brought the lions in the palace yet all of them where too afraid to make even the slightest sound.

The wolves run by her side in her room as quickly as possible and was trying to drag their mom back inside the room, but to no avail they just keeps howling repriminding her about the danger she's in..

Though she held her ground and shouted for someone to deal with them or she's planning to personally deal with it, which the wolves desperately trying to pull her back indicating for her to retreat.,

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