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All I felt were body aches, severe  throbbing head..


and with that I forced myself to wake up and instantly cough it out ..

"What the F..! was that!"- Kim Li

she frantically held her throat trying to get it out from her taste buds.

"What the hell was that! Awwww!!"-Kim Li

she yelled as she felt her head throb.

"Are you okay, Miss?"

I heard a child said and that startled  me as I am too focused at the bitter taste in my mouth.

"Who are you, and where am I?"-Kim Li said, trying to sooth the headache

"Big sister is at, Miyu Ayu, Zenyu, Fenyu, andbig brother Gin and big brother Gin and big sister Ven's home.."- Miyu

the child responded with sparkles in her eyes..  and that melt Kim Li's heart along with her headache

"Awssss.... what a cute baby girl..!"-Kim Li

she said as she reach out for the child and hugged her comfortably.,

while the kid was confused but nevertheless enjoyed the warmth that came from the embrace...

While the rest of the people who's watching them looked so surprised, until  Ven snapped out of it

"Hey! Let go of out little Miyu!"- Ven

she said as she pull the child away from the stranger.

"Oh.., sorry she's just too adorable, may I know who's who? and how did you  guys find me and have you seen someone with me?"-  Kim Li

she asked  sharpening her senses, trying to feel if  they  are hostile towards her and if she could trust them

"Miyu found big sis, near the river shore, Ayu, Zenyu, and Fenyu helped big sis and uncle  to safety."-Miyu said as her  eyes glints as she wait for the warm strangers praise.

but as soon as she saw the look on their eyes  she put her guard down and relax as the kids talk to themselves.,

she also got their names memorized as Miyu have been calling them accordingly.

"Kids please be quiet, big sister still have a bad headache "- Kim Li

"Hey! you can't boss us around!"- Ven

she complained  as Kim Li found it cute and just  laughed it off..

"Okay, okay ..., your so hot headed., By the way I'm Kim Li., Thank you for saving our lives, we owe you Kids Big.."- Kim Li

she said with full of gratitude,  as she saw Li Cheng beside her, and a young lad next to him.. and concluded that the lad's name would be Gin as he is the same age as Ven .

she try got up to check the emperors pulse and she found that nothing is wrong with him.

"Kids what happened to this young lad?"- Kim Li asked full of concern

"Oh,  it doesn't concern you"-Ven

"Big brother was punished by rod"-Miyu

they both said at the same time so even Ven refused to say anything Miyu completely trust this big sis at a short span of time.

"Thank you for telling big sis,  little Miyu, now this big sis help your big brother and this uncle" - Kim Li

as she said taking the pulse of the young lad, and she found out that he'll need more time to recuperate..

"It will take a while for him  to walk properly, I'll help around with the chores.."-Kim Li

she offered that they accept it as their big sister Ven can't handle everything by her self, specially with the injured ones.

three days have passed and Kim Li grew closer with the kids and Li
Cheng woke up a little frantically demanding for them to tell him everything.,

that gain him a strong jab at his stomach by the empress rep-reminding him to shut his mouth with their real identity as she doesn't want the kids to start being too formal with them.

while Kim Li attended Gin's recuperating progress. while forcing Li Cheng to work for his meals, and he ended up making a mess at first but after a day of Kim Li's scolding he learned his lesson and started to do things right and followed his empress written instructions.

The Kids felt that their complete as the warmth from these strangers makes them so happy.,

And the two adult are now reluctant to leave as the kids to fend for their own,

specially the Empress who grew really fond to the little ones.,

They know that they've been gone for four days now and they needed to get back on track as they are needed at the border and they both know that Gou Shi can only do so much without the both of them.,

And all of that is weighing the Empress mind and she's been thinking for solutions on how to keep the kids  fed when the time came for them to leave.

At the moment she's been sighing, spaced out, as she think of scenarios after scenarios , as she didn't felt Li Cheng to approach  her.,

"You seemed spaced out"-Li Cheng

"Just been thinking, about the boarder and if ever we leave how about the kids?"-Kim Li

she said really stressed out, of what to do as she knew her self that she can't think straight with everything jumbled in her mind space.

"Then let's bring them with us.."-Li Cheng said nonchalantly

"Are you perhaps insane?! You want to bring a range of seven year old to fifteen year old innocent kids to the border.. where they can probably get hurt by the process?!"- Kim Li

"You're thinking really complicated stuff... but in all seriousness, we can just leave them for a while at a near by inn at the village before we reach camp and bring them back to the palace on our way back." - Li Cheng who have an indifferent look

And with what he said made her snap out of her thoughts as she immediately brightened up at his words..,

"Yah, gonna promise me that these kids are gonna stay at the winter palace with me and have a full privacy away from your harem"- Kim Li
As she make a deal with Li Cheng to make a Royal order that no harm should reach the kids.,

But Kim Li's joy was cut short when Ven return home half beaten and she just passed out at their humble gate...

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