Satisfaction .o2

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Seeing that their emperor mood lit up the officials tried to speak up their mind one after another

" Your majesty please help those people whose suffering from the extreme cold."

"Your majesty our soldiers are our first priority rather than the peasants, they also needed more food provision and winter clothes"

"I agree your majesty as the Huns is taking full advantage of the cold weather to concur the boarder"

"Enough I'll further think about it and do send me the memorials inclined with your claims. Dismissed."

After the morning court the emperor went to his study.

"Uh? Your majesty, didn't you asked to summon the empress consort?" Feng Yun asked concerned for their empress

"Let her wait for me to finish this memorials" he said focusing on his work

Till his Highest Imperial Concubine Jen Sho came in with some soup

"Greetings to Your majesty Imperial Concubine Jen Sho brought some hot soup to warm your majesty a little against the cold" -Jen Sho

" You can put it down. And go back safely to your court yard, It's already cold outside you should think about your health more Jen Sho" he said with a caring and worried expression

What can he do the girl in front of him was his first love that's why he always turned blind eye to his consort empress sufferings, because he's still hoping to concur his concubine's love once more.

As Jen Sho was greatly upset that he married another girl to be his empress consort.

But recently their relationship started to stabilized again, as she started to approach him more often.

"But your highness, how could I go back. I am too frightened from the rumors I've heard from the maids." She said almost in tearful and pitiful eyes

"What would that rumors be?" He asked curiously but he's still reading the memorials in front of him

"They said that wolves infiltrated the palace and are running wild everywhere!" She voiced it out shakily as to get permission to stay at the emperor's court yard


Then all of a sudden Feng Yun dashed outside with out the emperor's permission while openly cursing.

"Feng Yun!" His majesty called but it only went to deaf ears. And for the first time his loyal shadow guard ignored his call

"Your majesty?" She asked confused at the reaction of the emperor

"Jen Sho, please return safely to your court yard I'll assign Eunuch Mo and some palace guards to escort you" his majesty coldly said as he followed Feng Yun for his explanation of ignoring the emperor. While eunuch Fon was left to organize his majesty's memorials.

True to the concubine's words Mike Luna and Yaz run wild when they felt that their mom is in trouble.

Some started shooting them with arrows., but their mom gladly taught them how to dodge sharp objects and fight for themselves to save their lives.

They run high and low in search for their mom, but they can't find any trace of her.

cause of the layers of snow that covered her tracks.

They can't also smell their mom's distinct scent as if it was covered with a rather strong scent.

Their starting to get impatient and worried. And their animal instincts are starting to show as the three of them deeply growl as if their starting to see the people around them as prey.

"Don't hurt them! All of you STAND DOWN!" The palace guards recognized his voice and they all stand down

He landed between the wolves and the palace guards, as his face also looked worried that the empress consort is no where to be seen as to where he left her.

"You three! You can't find your mistress if you Don't Calm down!" He talked to the three wolves that brought them back to their sanity when they heard the familiar voice of Feng Yun

And the three started to whimper as they sit down obediently

"Now, have any of you seen the empress consort?" He asked glaring at every men present

As the head of the palace and shadow guards he felt responsible for the disappearance of the empress

"We saw Prince Idle's carrying her highness towards his mansion" one guard said

" Back to your posts" he commanded as he paired attention to the three waiting wolves

"If you three can be patient for a minute or so, I'll personally lead you to your mistress" He said as the three of them lay down on the cold snow

"Feng Yun what's the meaning of this?' His voice sounded through out the open space

That made the wolves alert, it's really obvious as their ears perked up

"Your majesty sorry for my rudeness., once I hear what the Highest Imperial Concubine have said that this wolves are running wild inside the palace, and I'm afraid that something happened to the empress consort., As this wolves are usually obedient to their orders from their mistress."

"Then where is that woman now?"

"One of the palace guards said that Prince Idle took the Empress consort to his mansion."

"Then let's go check on my beloved empress at my dear brother's mansion"

He said as he lead the way while the wolves and Feng Yun followed behind him

Once they entered the Prince's mansion the wolves immediately sprint out as they finally picked up the scent of their mom.

Screams were heard from the servants as the three wolves run passed them, till they reach a certain guest room of the prince.

And with the help of Luna's gentleness they slide open the door that revealed their mom

Sitting on a bed with a pale and sickly face.

Yaz immediately run to her getting on the bed as she whimper beside her mom. While the other two adults sat in front of her observing their mom's condition

"You don't have to be worried little one, it's just a cold *achoo* and thank you for looking for me all this way" she said as the three took turn for her to pat their heads

" Unbelievable, you really tamed them Sister in law. I didn't believe it was possible when Feng Li told us but, seeing it with my own eyes is a really different story

"I didn't take them, I just showed them that I care and they gradually warmed up on me., to be honest I would have died out of hunger with out them hunting food for us"
She said having a proud look in her eyes

"That's why I kept Persuing to live cause these three along with A-Jin and Feng Yun, does care so much for my well being and I don't want to disappoint and leave them so soon" she said smiling

"Your highness here's your medicine" but with that Gou Shi said made her flinch and froze

And it was so obvious that made Prince Idle curious as of why his Sister in law acted like that

"Your highness?" Gou Shi asked confused but his starting to have some Ideas as of why the atmosphere become so gloomy all of a sudden.

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