city of love: 3

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Damians prov:

I should look away, yet I find my self not wanting to.  She had me under some sort of trance, where I got lost, in her deep bluebell eyes. Unwillingly, I look away from her eyes to study her features, her skin was snow white, her lips were a ladybug red, and her hair was a blue-black colour. She reminded me, of the girl in my dreams, even her figure looks the same. I look back into her eyes, seeing she was looking at me head to toe. I blush as I become very self-conscious. I looked tired and worn out, and didn't have much time this morning to make my self presentable, but I couldn't do anything about that now.

"h-hello, let me help you up. My name is Damian" and with that, I lend my arm, pulling her up, so she could stand properly. "h-hi, I'm marinette. Pleasure to meet you." her voice was sweet and welcoming.

"alright Damián, you may go sit next to marinette at the back of the class" Ms bustier announced loudly behind me, distracting me from my thoughts. " of course, after you marinette". I hold out my arm, gesturing marinette to lead the way. My eyes follow where she moves, watching where she was walking. I quickly see a girl with brown hair pulled into a sausage like hairstyle, purposely stick out her leg.  Marinette went down like the titanic.

i quickly run to marinette, helping her up, giving the girl my death glare. i could her sift in her jacket uncomfortably, good. "oh, thank you, you really didn't need to help me" her voice slightly broke when she stepped on her foot. 
"marinette, hurry up and get to your seat, cant we have one day, where your not seeking attention?" Ms bustier lectures marinette, I felt disgusted, you could clearly see she was hurt, yet they didn't care, none of them did. "yeah marinette" a squeaky voice comes from the girl who tripped marinette, the girl who was avoiding my death glare.

" STOP LYING LILA! you tripped me up on peruse, I know you did!" marinette starts shouting at the girl, Lila, although i dont blame her. Lila starts to cry, though i dont really see any tears since she's covering her eyes "Oh, marinette, why do you hate me so much? always calling me a liar and trying to leak info about me and my boyfriends Damián Wayne!" I froze, this girl was lying about us dating, yet she must not know its me. You'd think she would be bothered to search up what I look like. she then turns to look at me.

"if i were you, I would stay away, unless you want the same things happening to you... what's your name by the way?" I think I might punch a wall :)

"Damian, Damián Wayne, and I've never met you before, so I'm unsure as to how were dating, so please enlighten me." everyone froze, and was either staring at me or Lila. Even marinette, thought for some reason she was leaning away from me. " No response, i dint think so, lets see what lie you'll come up with now. Ms bustier I'm going to take marinette down to medical" i announced , not bothering to hid the irritation in my voice, and put a arm around marinette to help her out the class room. I could tell she was struggling once we had gotten to the stairs. "Are you okay?" i ask, the question was slightly retarded as it was obvious she was in pain, though i still felt the need to ask. 

"I dont know, I think I've sprained my ankle and its killing me; though on the other hand, Lila finally got what she deserves, just the look on her face, when you told her your last name, was priceless" she chuckles under her breath at the last part, though frowns afterwards. " Umm, im not really sure how I'm supposed to go down the stairs" 

"oh, that, hold on, ill try and be gentle". I lift her up in bridal style way, a small blush stared to creep un my neck, while marinette looked like a tomato. Not putting her down (even after walking down the stairs) until we got to the nurses office. I gently knock on the door, wait for a few seconds until walking in. With no teacher in sight, I place marinette on the hospital bed, while i sit on the chair at the end of the bed. 

Damienette One shots ('∩。• ᵕ •。∩') Where stories live. Discover now