redemption: part 1

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I had never felt this much pain before, my lungs felt like collapsing and my heart was aching. My brain was forcing my eyes open, but the spinning room made my mind feel sharp pains it had never felt before.

The salty, metallic taste of blood was on my tongue, I felt a pool of it under me. Clinging to my clothes, drying layers on my skin that fell off when it became Crusty.

The sound of foot steps ahead, coming closer was the only thing forcing my subconscious to stay awake and alert.

I groan and gently move off my side, daring my fingers to touch the open wound. It stings and I feel my eyes water, but I ignore the pain. I needed the pressure to stop it from bleeding if I could.

Every little movement in my body made me hiss, and the tears wouldn't stop cascading down my face.

I hear the foot steps come closer, until they finally slow down to a halt outside my bars.

A deep rich chuckle comes from above me, but even the tears and blood in my eyes couldn't stop me from figuring out who it is.

"Damien" I manage with a grunt, I tried lifting my torso by using my elbow as leverage but its violent shaking sent me back on the stone cold floor.

" Marinette, surely you knew you couldn't run from me forever?" He knelt down, his shadow blocked the light and I could manage to make out his figure.

" Curse the church for giving me hope, suppose they were right about one thing though".

"And what is that?" He smirked.

" That the devil is truly always on your shoulder" I spat the blood and hatred with my words. He chuckled and I saw his hand come close to my face.

I force my eyes open, no matter how much they stung, no matter how much I didn't want to look him in the face.

Damien was as gorgeous as he was before, his golden skin contrasted so well with his forest green eyes. If you looked close enough you could see gold flecks in them.

He looked like an angel.

But Inside him was a heart so cold and rotten that even his beauty could not mask his true, evil nature.

I grit my teeth as his hand  stokes my face, they were rough and dry and I was too weak to pull away.

" My angel" he whispered, pulling a strand of hair off my sweaty face. I could feel it peel off as it took the dried blood that coated it with it.
" You have no idea how much I've been worried about you".

" Figured when half the league of assassins came barging through my door. Remind me to send you the bill to replace it once I escape".

This triggered him, and he yanked my hair, holding it so high that my whole body had no choice but to follow his movements to prevent my pain from Increasing. I refuse to give him the satisfaction of yelping as he pulls at it more.

"You won't be going anywhere, not under my watch" I don't move, I don't even look at him. He sighs. " My apologies dear, I suppose I can't contain my excitement to see you once more. GUARDS! GET HER TO THE HOSPITAL WING AND THEN PLACE HER IN HER ROOM"

Guards start flocking in, but even though I can't hear his footsteps among the others, I know he had left.

Knowing he was gone, I feel the tension release from my body and I fall unconscious.

I wake up in a extravagant room, my old room. The floor was white marble with gold flecks in it. A vanity with as much make up as girl could want layed on top, a waredrobe 10x bigger than the one at home.


This once was my home, and the memories here are irreplaceable. But even memories aren't strong enough chains to tie me to a place.

I swallowed the small bile that had risen in my throat when I accidentally looked at the picture.

The picture: a picture of the happiest day of my life, the day I had agreed to be Damien's girlfriend.

We were so young and happy, but most of all in love.

2 years ago Damien went to war, rumours had he stumbled apon a witch.

She offered him two choices, one of which he had to choose.

1) she would grant him the strength and power to end the war but he would lose the thing he had always desired.

2) he could finally live the life he always wanted, but the war would continue and millions of lives would be lost.

He chose the first, the caring and selfless Damien that I loved chose the first option.

But after he changed, he became ruler of the league and he was living his best life. He asked me to be his girlfriend.

But then the enchantress reappeared, and told him he must pay the price. He lost his redemption.

He treated workers, maids, stableboys, country folk, citizens awfully.

He could never change, he treated everyone like a slave to do his bidding.

The man I once loved is dead, no matter how hard I try
he will  never return.

Searching for a cure locked up in a castle doesn't help either.

Suddenly a knock came at my door, and it opens gently. There he was, with an angelic smile on his face.

My heart melted and I get pulled back into the past. When everything was right.

But that smile became cunning and it sends a shiver up my spine.

He closes the door and sits him self on one of my chairs, making himself comfy.

" What do you want?" I ask, my fear masked behind the strength and boldness of my words

" Now is that any way to say hello to your boyfriend?" He smirks and I shake my head to shake the image of when we were happy out.

" You killed my parents, I will never forgive you". He sighed, as if he was bored.

" Yes, well they were getting on my nerves a bit". I scream and grab one of the sharp quills left on my bedside at him with astonishing force.

Unfortunately he caught it. He looked at it bemused, as if it was something incrediblly interesting before placing it inside the pocket of his suit.

" Always was the slowest out of the two of us, but you once loved me and you shall love me once more. No matter what"

I spit on the ground " never in your wildest dreams".

He frowned before starting to laugh. " Oh yes, because you're so valuable of wasting my time even in my dreams. Don't flatter yourself honey".

" Then why do you need me? Huh! find some other person" he frowned at this.

He walked towards me and I scrambled my way from him,until my back was against the headboard.

" Because you, my dear, was the only one who ever loved me even when I thought I had no redemption. Now that I don't... Well hopefully fate has a way of repeating itself".

" I would never love you, not again and not ever" he frowned but proceeded to shrug. With that he left, and I was alone with my thoughts.

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