United: part two

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heyyy, its ur gurl with the united: part two. This was requested by..


Go check her owt, and pls comment, vote, follow cause I'm desperate lol and enjoy!


Marinettes pov:

"Damien?" he nods, whoa.

What.. he couldn't be...could he?

" so your my husband... I'm married to a traffic cone, great" sarcasm littered my voice, Traffic cone seemed pissed off, but then smiled. 

" Wai- excuse me, I'm sorry to ruin this little reunion" The goth girl steps in between us, though she look happy to place her large nose in our business "but Damien hasn't got a wife". I look away from Damien to study the other two males in their underwear, both looked confused, did he not tell them? 

" you didn't tell them?" 

Damien's pov:

 I couldn't look her in the eye, but instead a nod. "dad, Clark, raven this is my wife marinette. When i was in the league, mother made me and marinette tie our souls together and get married. I haven't seen marinette since  i left the league, but the bond is still there. If one of us gain feelings for someone else, then we could possibly die". i explain. Marinette walks over to me, " well, i still have to kill that person, but it was nice seeing you again" she smiles, getting prepared to jump off into the night. "bye then"


ahahaha you think this is the end dont you? lets give the serial adopter a chance to speak


"wait!" dad shouts at marinette before she could jump away. She looked back at him expectantly " I just found out my son has a wife? AT THE AGE OF 16!! superman get her!" Clark fly's over to marinette and wraps his arms around her in a hugging manner before she could jumpaway. "what are you doing? let go!"

3rd pov (its just easier to write like this):

"sorry..." Bruce ponders for a minute before Damien tells him, her name is marinette. "sorry marinette, but i want the chance to get to know my daughter in law" marinette squirms inside superman's hold, desperate to get out.

"Bruce, we best be off, if you want to arrive for damians party on time; you know how Alfred is" superman tells batman, batman shakes his head "no, tell everyone to go to the manor, that way Maria can get changed"

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