'I suppose so'

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Damien was currently pacing back and forth inside his bedroom, thinking about how he can tell marinette (his best friend) that he likes her. His brothers were surprised that there wasn't a massive hole in the floor. 

" just tell her, that's what i did with Kori" Dick exclaimed, trying to calm down his brother. Jason just nodded while Tim drank his coffee raising a eyebrow when Damien shot them a signature death glare. "no offense, but Kori was obsessed with you; so you didn't have to worry about rejection. If she doesn't feel the same way, she might not want to be my friend anymore!"

Dick blushed, embarrassed by what Damien said, and decided it was best to not say anything else. Jason stood up and grabbed Damien by the shoulders and turned him around to face him. " if she doesn't feel the same way, marinette will still be your best friend, she's like that. On the other hand, if she does like you then dont make her wait any longer. You know how women are!" ( being a girl is actually very hard :p).

"fine, just get off me before i stab you in the stomach" Damien retorted while Jason quickly removed his hands. Damien sighed, then walked over to his chair and picked up his coat. "what are you doing?" Tim asked, confused at Damien's eager departure while they were in the middle of a important conversation. "going to Marinette's" Damien mumbled while walking out the door. " If they have a son, they're going to call him Jason" Jason commented though received a few shoves from the other two brothers.

When Damien arrived at Marinette's, undetected by the paparazzi, he knocked on the door. Marinette was there after a few seconds with a big smile on her face.

"hey Damien, I didn't know you we're coming today" marinette moved aside from the door frame to let Damien enter. Damien smiled and politely took off his shoes. " well I've been needing to ask you something lately"  they were now sat on Marinette's sofa. "okay, what so important that you needed to see me in person?" 

Damien felt like his heart was in quick sand, trying to desperately get out this situation but had to stay still and follow through if he wanted to get out. "well, I've developed a crush on this girl, and i dont know how to tell her about how i feel, I'm scared of being rejected". Marinette placed her hand on top of Damien's and smiled at him.

" Well, i cant really speak for this girl, but I'm sure that she likes, no wait loves you much more than you think" 

"what if i told you, your the girl, what would you say then?" Damien asked and smirked when marinette turned a lovely shade of red. " probably on the lines of ' i love you too idiot'". Neither of the two had realised how close they had gotten, until they lips were only inches apart. " can i kiss you?" marinette didn't trust herself to speak so she merely just nodded. They're lips at first only brushed over one another, until they started moving together. The kiss was filled with passion and lust. 

They broke the kiss when they both needed air. marinette placed her forehead against Damien's while she smiled. " so, who do you like" Damien asked while marinette laughed. " You idiot" marinette gave Damien a quick kiss, "yes but I'm your idiot". " I suppose so"


hey, this is kind of short but i hope you liked it. thank you for 4.1k, it honestly means the big fat world to me. I'm tired so sorry for spelling mistakes and other shit. Also comment if you want to do a smut one shot, and ill learn how to do it. i can only really do gay smut so ill have to learn straight smut ;n;

Anyways luv yall, hopefully i dont die right now bc i can feel my eyes rolling to the back of my head.

Martha x

Damienette One shots ('∩。• ᵕ •。∩') Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora