all I need is me

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Hey guys. I've just recently (like yesterday) got out of a relationship. Which is weird, since he broke up with me, yet I've already moved on. Which makes me think that if it was so complicated and insecure, why was I in it for so long?

I actually feel really happy, and almost confident. So I've decided to write a story for any of you guys who have just gotten out of a relationship x

Damien's point of view is mine whilst Mari's is my ex's. Hope you guys enjoy. This will be in Damien's pov.


I see her. Sat at the back of the classroom, head burried in a book. Probably her sketch pad, thinking and comparing designs.

I used to find this cute.

I sit down next to Kim, my best friend.

"Hey, dude! How has summer treated you?"

" Good, I guess. Marinette and I broke up"

" Oh no, I'm so sorry. You two were good together, what happened? " He asked.

" We decided we were better as friends. I mean, she broke up with me. Apparently something was missing" I say, but whilst doing so I notice adrien (marinettes ex, who she's friends with) walk over too her. "However I think there's more too it. Apparently she still likes me, however. I don't know, it's just confusing"

" Sounds like it" miss bustier walks in and everyone sits down. Class begins.

Lunch came, and I walked over to Adrien. He's my friend, and the whole time I was dating marinette I was scared she still had feelings for him.

He's better looking and they have more in common. Known eachother for longer, and marinette used to say before we started dating she would always love him. Even if he didn't want her.

That's why I fell for her. To see how much she cared for someone, where I barely gain my family's attention without some strange fiasco. It's was refreshing. To see someone not obsessed with their looks, fame and wealth.

She was real.

So why is it, when she asked to see me and told me the news. I was devasted but then I realised, if I'm going to find the one. Sometimes I'm going to have to lose in a winning battle.

I refused to open up to her after Starfire, not after the way Starfire did me dirty. Yet, she said I could. But then she did this too me. The exact reason why I didn't.

Did my subconscious know this was going to happen. That my single butt needs to remain this way, if I want to protect my already bruised heart.

I'm going to meet someone else. Marinette will meet someone else and she will call me her ex and talk bad about me to him. I will return the favour.


That's a lie

I'm not blaming her if she's lost feelings, if she doesn't want someone like me, if she still likes Adrien, if she had too high expectations that I couldn't reach, or I wasn't the person she thought I was.

Because no matter how much it may hurt, or doesn't hurt. I've learnt stuff from the relationship, and I was happy for that small period of time. So I can deal with the pain now.

I will talk well about her, because she was honest with me. That's all I can ask from her.

God, but everything is gone. I'm young. I shouldn't be tied down, I should be happy, meeting new people and having fun. I mean, who says I have to commit to a serious relationship at my age. Fuck that.

She doesn't know what she's missing out on.

So, I'm going to walk by with my head held high, and show I'm unbothered. Because I'm going to show that the only person who can hurt me, is myself. And I won't allow that.

And that exactly what I did. I walked by her, smiled and went to get my food.

Because being the better person is a better feeling than staying home and sulking. I once lived without her, and I can do it again. Even if it needs time. After all, A bruise doesn't just magically disappear.


Thank you for reading.

I feel like we need some more sad storys, instead of the same lovy gushy stuff. Because with life that isn't always the case.

Martha x

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