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Check out my other book, this is not your average love story!


Marinette sat in the waiting room, waiting for her boyfriend to come down from his meeting so they can go to dinner. Suddenly, a voice she hoped she would never have to hear again, spoke behind her.

" Oh my god! Marinette, is that you?" Lila asked, even though the bluette had not changed much since their high school days. Marinette nodded and shifted uncomfortably in her chair.

" Hey Lila" Marinette hoped her high school bully may have turned a new leaf and had stopped lying for good. Maybe she had changed? The sentence kept running through marinettes' mind.

" How are you? Still pretending to know Jaget Stone? Everyone back in Paris know I'm actually his niece". Nope, she still the same bitch. Marinette smiled politely and stood up.

"It was ... nice seeing you again, Lila" Marinette lied and walked into the bathroom so she could fix her hair, before her and her boyfriend could go for dinner. Not noticing a certain someone follow her in.

 The bathroom was quiet, and all the stalls were empty. Marinette stood in front of the mirror and grabbed her cheery blossom lip balm out her purse.

" I don't know how you do it" Marinette jumped and dropped her lip balm on the floor. She picked it up and placed it in the bin, before grabbing a paper towel to wipe the bit that was smudged on the floor.

" You scared me Lila."

" Oh, but intend to do much more than that"!

" What are you on about?" Lila rolled her eyes and took a step closer to Marinette. Marinette inched back, nearly tripping over her own feet.

" Oh, it's just the fact you left school a year early to become a fashion designer, and everyone is wondering why I didn't do the same thing. It's just you arranged all the class meetings and field trips and i took the credit. Now everyone's mad that I dont have anything planned! Chloe hired a private investigator and found out my parents are not really diplomats.  Everyone thinks I'm a joke! A video of ladybug calling me out went viral, and my life is over. But you know what bothered me the most, I wondered how ladybug found out about me saying that I was her best friend. She must have found out somehow, you are the only person who knew I lied. How did you know that by the way? Did you talk to your little friend, the bug? You and ladybug destroyed my life and everything I worked for and now, you're going to pay".

Lila pulled out a pocketknife that was hidden in her blazer pocket and pointed it at Marinette. Marinette backed up against the wall, Lila edged up closer to her with a smile so sharp, it could cut steel.

" Any last words?"

" Yeah, a few." Marinette takes a deep breath and does something unexpected. She screamed.

She screamed so loud, Lila had to cover her ears, dropping the knife in the process. The mirrors on the bathroom wall had shattered. Bodyguards came rushing through the door, Damien Wayne in front of them. They all instantly had to cover their ears. Marinette still kept screaming, not noticing the couple dozens of men in front of her, as her eyes were squeezed tightly shut.

Damien walked over to Marinette, his hands still securely over his ears. He kissed her, making Marinette stop screaming and to open her eyes. Now that she had stopped, damien placed his hands on marinettes waist and kissed her more passionately.

"d-damien, i was so scared" Damien nodded and rested his forehead on his girlfriend's. " I don't want to die" Marinette felt the tears coming and tried to blink them back but they still fell.

" I know, love. It's going to be alright" Damien stood straight and turned to face Lila. Who was currently sat on the floor, blood coming out her ears. " get up" Lila did not hear him. Damien then realises that she had gone deaf from the scream.

" Call the police if they have not already been called. And take her outside, ready for when they come. I want to be alone with Marinette" Everyone did as they were told, and Marinette found herself alone with damien.

" Who knew you could scream so loud, i think you made her deaf?"

" Oh, I'm so sorry. i honestly didn't mean too. It's just been bottled up inside me for years and i never even dared to do it. I just felt that if i was going to die, then i was going to do it. I didn't expect anyone to hear me" Damien hugged Marinette and she buried her face in his chest. soaking his shirt with her tears.

" I know, Hun. I love you, and I am only glad you're okay. Forget the dinner, let's just go home and make sure you get some rest after today".

Marinette nodded and walked out the bathroom with him. Police were already taking Lila away and wanted to ask Marinette some questions. Marinette answered them all and then they went home.


pls read the follow:

if you like my work then please go check out my other story. This is not your average love story. Its about a boy getting dared to date another boy, even though he knows he has to break his heart in the end. There is so much drama I have planned for  it and I would really appreciate it if you checked it out! thank you x


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