Chloe x Marinette ( happy pride month!) +12

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Hey, this one shot does contain swearing and please don't be offended by any of the lyrics. I don't think it matters if you were born into wealth or not. Happy pride month everyone! Including you straight people out there, you can still celebrate with us even if your not lgbtq.
"Damien, I'm fine. Don't worry about me, just be safe. And be careful!" I say over the phone to my brother.

" Hey Marinette" Chloe say when I meet her outside of biology. " Apparently there's a new girl, and she's been bulling Alya"

" Wait- what? What did she say?"

" Just commenting on alya's blog and saying how awful it is. Which is ridiculous, utterly ridiculous!"

" Thanks for telling me Chloe, I'll talk to Alya during class" we walk inside and I sit down next to Alya at the back of the classroom.

I immediately saw the affect those comments were having on Alya. She looked like she hadn't slept all weekend, the rim of her eyes were red and looked irritated from crying too much. She wasn't her usual smiling self, instead she looked sad and a little angry.

" Hey, Chloe told me what happened"

" Of course she did, god. Can't she just mind her own business!" Everyone turn around ( Alya gaining their attention as she shouted loudly) and gave Alya pitying glances.

Alya has still yet to forgive Chloe for bullying them last year. Chloe apologized to me and since we became good friends, I had even started to see her as something more.

Like a best friend!

" She cares" Alya scoffed and then remained silent for the rest of the lesson. Alya was still mad at me for forgiving Chloe, which i understand, so I left it at that.

After lesson I met up with Chloe at break, a devilish smirk on her face.

" I know that smile, what are you planning?"

" Tomorrow wear your most expensive sexy outfit" I agreed but still confused about why I must need to.


The next day


Chloe pov:

When I saw Marinette walk through the doors, I felt my heart flutter and my knees weaken. I know she doesn't realise my feelings towards her. Which is frustrating but I am also a little grateful for.

" So, why do I have to dress like this? By the way, you look beautiful" I feel my face heat up but I try my best to egnore it. Instead I tell Mari about my plan and waited until break to put my plan into motion.

At break, the new girl was insulting Alya for looking like a lumberjack. We walked over to where they could hear us.

" OMG, did you see the new girl?" I asked marinette

"What new girl?"

" Over there! I think her name is Jenny" i smirk, my plan going smoothly.

"Is she pretty?" Marinette asked in a sweet voice.

" No… what a pity" I roll my eyes.

" Let’s go see if her daddy’s got money!" Marinette parents have a normal wage, but ever since Marinette has because MDC, she made a small fortune. She spends this money to help expand her business and help out her family. She the kindest person ever. That's why I ... I love her.

We walk over to her, her mouth hanging wide open from hearing us.

"OMG hey, your name is Jenny right?" I think that's her name anyway. She nods.

"You could be a model if it weren’t for your height!

"OMG i see it…"

" Don’t you though?" Marinette said

"Wait, really?" She asked and I fight back a gag.

" No you stupid hoe!" We both shout together. Im surprised the teachers is not telling us off. Maybe Jenny has insulted them too.

"Let me guess, you care about your grades, you set the dinner table and you make minimum wage?" Wow, Marinette really is being it on, who knew she could be such a bad ass.

"Shut up! Your channel bag is so cute!" It was actually, because I have one just like that.

" It’s fake." Of course Marinette could tell it was fake. After all, she has made stuff for channel.

"Ewww! Her Gucci boots too!" Now looking, she was just a fake knock off version of a Barbie doll.

" Fake designer? I guess that means you’re broke, right?"

"You walk to school while we catch private flights!"

"OMG did you get those jeans from Sears? Awwww, i think i see a tear!" Wow. Go Mari!

"Just kidding! Don’t take any of that to heart… If you want some advice though, here’s a place to start!" I decided maybe she needs a taste of her own medicine.

"Fix your teeth!"

"Brush your hair!"

"You should shave!" She had gorilla arms

" Everywhere! 😉"

"Why so sad?"

" Where’s our thanks?"  I ask

"You’re just mad!"

"We’re not fake!"

" Wanna go shopping?" Marinette asks, though she knows the answer.

"Duhhh!" Jenny looked happy to come with us and Marinette noticed.

"Awww, sorry girl, there’s only room for two!"

We walk off laughing. Marinette received a text message 5 minutes later from Alya.

Alya:thanks girl, now I know never to mess with you.

Marinette: it was Chloe's idea. She's not as bad as you think.

Alya: I guess your right.

I blush, and I finally decide to make a move on Mari. I indiscreetly slide my hand in hers and angle her face towards mine.

"C-chloe?" I cute her off by kissing her. At first Marinette was hesitant and I assumed she must now hate me. But then she kissed me back with the same amount of passion and love.


Happy pride month!

Damienette One shots ('∩。• ᵕ •。∩') Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora