Chapter 6: Pearson's Story

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Dusk looked at Pearson sadly. She did not feel anything awesome about the breakup, irrespective of who dumped whom. But she supposed that each one has a different take on things.

"You are really awesome. I can't think of anyone else who would not give up everything in life to be his girlfriend, and you are exactly the opposite! Or was he not good enough in bed?" Pearson asked suddenly.

Dusk blushed deep red at the question. She realised then that this was the way university girls probably talked to their friends. There was nothing embarrassing about sleeping with boys. Just that her upbringing was different.

"Let's not talk of that, please. But don't get the wrong idea. I was happy when I was with him. He was my first, btw." She replied.

"Ok, let me not tease you anymore. And don't worry, I swear I will not talk about this to anyone."

"You have faced such a thing before? I mean you slept with someone and it became national news?" Dusk asked curious.

"What?? Are you mad? Does it look like I am capable of attracting someone who will be national news? No. My history is different. But I was also the subject of taunts and derision in college, which is why I sympathise with you. I can tell you about it if you want."

Dusk nodded and the girl continued. "When I was in college about 17 or so, I had quite a few boyfriends by then. My parents did not mind. They were pretty much cultural liberals. But there was one boy I was in love with... or so I thought at that time. He was a couple of years older to me, from a rich family. They owned a large metal processing business.

"I got into a relationship with him. I thought he loved me too. But it turned out he was just interested in adding to his 'Trophy Count'. I was at this party one night, he was supposed to be my date, but we reached separately. I found he had come with another girl. He had a date. And I found from some friends that he had been sleeping with her also and he used to laugh at my nativity of believing I was the only one.

"It was devastating for me. I thought I had found the love of my life and he turned out to be a jerk. Looking back at it, now I realise that I was not so hung up about losing the love, as I was of being laughed at by my friends. The ones to whom I had bragged that we are so comfortable as a couple. Those who knew how many times I had slept with him and those whom I had bragged of how I had seduced him, and he will remain under my charm for ever.

"Who cares, right? I mean girls say such things all the time. And everyone has breakups, and then they find new targets. It's not the end of the world! But at that time, I thought it was. I should have gone to my mom or dad, but I didn't. I thought of running away... it would be an escape and then I would not have to face my friends."

"You ran away from home?" Dusk asked. That was not so bad. Many kids did that. That was not enough to be made fun of in school, was it?

"No, I ran away and guess where I ended up? At a bar! That too a rough one. I didn't know that until it was too late. Some of the boys there, far older than me, forced me to drink and they wouldn't let me go. They wanted me to go to their home for ...." She said, in a soft voice as she recalled the terror and humiliation.

Dusk reached out and held her hand to comfort her. Pearson continued, "But I was very lucky. One of my teachers from college was in the bar too. He saw me, realised that I did not want to participate but they were forcing me. He stepped in, with two of his friends, and freed me. Those boys would have beaten him up, but he showed his ID as a professor and under our laws, he is a protector for me. The bar owner called the Militia who took the boys away before they could really hurt him.

"I was pretty drunk at that time. He did not want to leave me there or let me go home alone, so he called for a car and got me to his own home. Unfortunately, someone from school saw us getting out of the car and getting into his home. I think because I was so drunk, I was not able to walk straight and I must have held his neck and I think he carried me inside in the end.

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