Chapter 88: Ice Hotel Again

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Dusk's EPAC landed at Sarla-Hog Airport and taxied to its designated bay. Dusk looked out of the window and felt a familiar feeling of oppression when she saw the place filled with Imperial Security personnel. She then remembered that Princess Catherine was with her, and that Lord Jules and Lady Rhaella would join later. Therefore, naturally, Imperial Security would be present.

She remembered that even Dawn had Imperial Security cover... She decided that she needed to speak to General Tarrier and move Dawn to Rotomac's security coverage. Having the Taxpayers money being spent on security for her sister was definitely unfair. It was her duty to protect her sister, not the duty of the Imperial Government.

She turned to the 5 teens who were sitting with Dawn, looking awed at the beauty of the place they had landed. They were used to mountains and snow, but Scala-Hog had taken snowy scenery to a completely different level. She turned to them and said, "The aircraft will return to Romaska now. But if you want, you can come with us and spend some time at the Ice Hotel. It is a really amazing place and of course, my sister seems to be liking your company. I will drop you back to home when I return to Ci'gazze. I can speak to your parents for approval if needed."

The kids looked at one another apprehensively. Taking a ride on the plane was already a dream come true. Going to the Ice Hotel, whatever it was, would be amazing. Living the life of the rich and famous, even for a few hours, was more than they could ever ask for! But at the same time, they worried that being around powerful people like Duchess Dusk Hale and Princess Catherine. If they offended either of them in some way during the evening, the consequences would be more than they could bear. They did not know the ways of the Nobles, and anything could trigger their anger... Even perhaps the way they sat, their lack of table manners or the way they addressed her!

However, before they could react, Dawn's face had lit up. "Oh Yes! Come with us. I am sure the food is lovely. Come with us. We didn't finish talking, right? We can continue over dinner!"

Most of them wanted to refuse because they were nervous. But Dawn was already pulling them to their feet and felt bad in refusing to go with her. She was nice to them through the trip and in any case, refusing her may offend her elder sister. So the nodded and accepted the offer. Two of the girls needed specific approval, which Dawn got over communicator video from their parents. Naturally, their Parents would not refuse even if they wanted to. In their mind, in spite of the changes Julien had initiated, refusing a request from Noblity was dangerous. Further, they wouldn't dare to demand that Dusk transport for their children to return home immediately.

After settling the matter with the parents, the EPAC flew back to Romaska for Lord Jules. Dusk drove one of the Imperial Security Hover-cars, taking 3 of the visitors with her while the others went into a hover-bus that Imperial Security had kept on standby.

Catherine wanted to drive the hover-car. She had not got much of a chance to do it ever since she stopped staying in the Uni-Viva campus, because her Grandfather had only given approval for her to drive inside Uni-Viva or in the palace and not outside. However, she knew that very soon Dawn was going to be 18 and she would be eligible to drive. She decided to gift Dawn a hover-car, preferably a silver one like Dusk had and then take over from her so she could drive... She decided she will figure out how to disable to AI to prevent it from reporting the matter to the Imperial Road Safety Database.

The more difficult perhaps would be to prevent Imperial Security from reporting it to the Emperor. And she felt she could understand why Dusk used Rotomac for her own security.

... ...

They finally reached Ice-Scape Hotel.

Everyone other than Dusk was seeing the Hotel for the first time. Dusk had pointed it out from the air, and it looked like a fairy tale castle. Close-up, it was even more stunning. They were mesmerised by its beauty. When they drove past the skating pond in the hotel compound, it was early evening and the rays of the setting Sol was hitting the outer walls of the hotel, making it glitter.

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