Chapter Thirty: James

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       Today is the big day. The day we stop a war. Hopefully. This is Ellie's one chance to prove herself. So much is counting on this right now. All the kids knew it was coming. We were suited and ready, sitting in the cafeteria. We were surrounding the tablet waiting for it to flash and beep. It feels like we've been sitting here in silence for forever.
       My tablet lights up red and a beeps loudly. We all jump up and rush to the Van. I get in the front and wait for instructions from Avery. Her voice starts speaking through my earpiece."Same place. The beach." "Thanks." I tell her. I drive to the beach, and again, it only takes a few minutes to get there.
       There's more people dressed in black on the beach when we get there. More than one this time. They all stood in a line. I couldn't tell if they had guns. There was nobody on the beach except us.
       They can't see us yet, because we're still in the van and behind a couple trees. We get out of the van and I split into five. "What we do?" Devon asks me. "We're going to approach slowly, make sure you're alert." I tell them. They all nod and we start to walk towards the beach.
One of the people in black walk forwards towards us. "You're out numbered! You're freakish powers can't stop us! The revolution is eminent. Why try to stop us?" "We can't risk you putting innocent lives in danger!" I yell out to them as we continue to walk forwards. We're about 30 feet away, so I stop walking. "You should surrender." I tell them. "Never." The one who stepped forward said. I'm going to assume that is the leader.
"Then we're going to have to fight you." I said threateningly. He took a step closer and said, "Bring it." In the back of my head, Ellie's voice asks, Tell me when. What? What do you mean. I ask her. Tell me when to do the mind control thing. She responded. Okay. I tell her.
"Do you really want to do this?" The leader asks me taking a step forward. "Do you?" I ask him. "If I have to." He says taking another step closer to me. Okay this is really making feel uncomfortable. I got that he's trying to be intimidating and stuff, but still. "Look, the only reason we're here is to protect our kingdoms. We're protecting our people. So if ours going to hurt someone, we'll hurt you. Deal?" I say trying to get them to calm down. "The monarchy is the one killing innocent people! I'm sorry that you're up in your towers not batting an eye! But this, this is not waiting. Our time is now!" The people behind him cheered. So this is happening.
       The man turned around to his people. "Today, we fight!" They all cheered again and got into a fighting stance. Now. I told Ellie. The man looked back at us and then to his people. "Maybe this isn't the best idea. We don't want to hurt anyone right? And we don't want to get hurt." All of their faces looked so confused. This actually might work.
       One woman looks over to a man and whispers something to him. Then the man she was talking to points towards Ellie. The woman walks over to Ellie. "What's you power huh?" She asks Ellie. "Leave the kid alone!" Yells out the leader. "I know it's not you, Bryan. She's controlling you with her weird mind powers!"
The lady walks closer and closer to Ellie. Then in a split second the lady walks out and puts her hands around Ellie's neck. We all lunge for the woman to try to push her off of Ellie. The man, Bryan, that Ellie was controlling woke up. He also lunged for the Ellie and the woman. Connor pulled the woman off Ellie, and threw her to the ground. Bryan hit Connor sending him to the ground.
Ellie was coughing on the ground Connor was slowly getting back up holding his head. Grace behind me gasps and run forward and kicks Bryan. He stumbles backwards and then all chaos breaks loose if it hasn't already.
Ellie and Connor were back up and fighting again. We're doing pretty good. People from their side are on the ground, we're still fighting. All is well. Grace running around and punching people. I was doing the same just, slower. Connor was doing, stuff. Ellie was doing whatever she does to help everyone else. Evan is doing great, and Devon is, trying.
     There's the leader left, the lady, and another man. He all get out guns and start shooting at us again.  Connor immediately deflects them and Ellie freezes them. When Ellie freezes them we do our best to keep them in our grasp. "Ellie." I call to her telling her to wake then up. The lady hits Grace in the head with her gun and punches Evan in the gut. The one man Connor knocked out, and my clones and I take out the lady. The leader pushes Ellie off him and points his gun at her. She's sitting in the ground with her fingers to her temple.
       "What is she doing?" The leader, Bryan asks. "I don't know." I tell him honestly. Ellie gets up from behind him while he's walking towards Connor. He notices Ellie behind him and grabs her arm. But she grasps his back. The man calls out in pain and falls backwards, but first points his gun at Ellie before passing out.
       I hear a gun shot and Ellie screams. We all run over to her as she's holding her chest. "What hurts?" I ask her. "Literally everything." She tells me. I nod. Grace walks over holding her head. I morph back to me. An ambulance usually comes after each of our missions just in case. I pick up Ellie gently in to my arms and start walking towards the the road.
       After I take a few steps Ellie speaks up. "James?" She said quietly. "Yes?" "I can't breathe." She said coughing slightly. "Try a deep breath. Just calm down." "No I can't. It's not working a can't breathe!" She says panicked. I gently put her down on the ground. "Calm down. Just try for me. Deep breath. Okay?" I say in an attempt to calm her down. She nods and takes a deep breath. "It's not working." She tells me. I nod to Grace telling her to tell the people that we're here. I hold her hand. "Don't panic. It's okay." She nods.
       When they get there, they lift her up onto the gurney. "What's wrong?" They ask her. "I can't breathe." She tells them. They nod and pick her up and start walking to the ambulance. They lift her into the ambulance. "Can I go?" I ask them. They look at Ellie then me for a second. "What's your relationship to her?" They ask. "I'm her teacher." I tell them. "Shouldn't you stay with the rest of your kids?" "They be okay." They nod and let me in.
She turned her head gently to look at me. She had an oxygen mask on. I saw tears running down her face. I knelt by her side. "Don't cry." I tell her. "Am I going to die?" She asked me. "Of course not." I tell her. This poor girl. "She's on anesthesia. She should go to sleep." Said the woman behind me. I nod. "Ellie." She looked up at me struggling I keep her eyes open. "You're not going to die. I promise. You're just going to sleep. I'll be right next to you when you wake back up. I promise." Her eyes start to close as she drifts off to sleep.

Author's Note: I didn't want to write this, I promise. But I had to. Sorry Ellie.

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