Chapter Eight: Ellie

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Where even are you? I ask James telepathically. To be honest, I don't really know how I figured that out. Comics maybe. In the back. Thought James. Wow. Thought. That's funny. More specific please? I asked him. I'll just come to you. James said oh wait. Thought. Oh I love it. Okay.
       James walks over to me. "Are you ready?" "Sure." I said. "Sure?" He asked. "Sure." He smiled. Why does he smile so much? He's... really... happy? "So what are we going to do?" I ask him. "I'm not really sure to be honest." "Oh okay." "I watched X-Men last night though." "Great movie. Charles is cool. That's how I figured out how to talk to you." It's true though. I watched the movies nonstop a while ago. Helpful phase. "Really? So like, can you see my memories too? And kinda like, pause time? And, oh gosh, can you control my mind?" I shrug. That would be cool though. "Can I try it?" He laughed. Oh my gosh why is he so happy? "Of course." "Yay."
       "Got any tips?" I ask. "Nope." "Wow. How helpful!" I told him sarcastically. "Aren't you supposed to be my teacher?" I ask. "Yes, but I haven't had a telepathic before." Well I'm screwed. "Maybe I should watch the movie a couple more times." "Maybe, but you should try now." "How?" "Focus?" Yeah right. Focusing is hard. "I'll try." "That's the spirt!"
       I focus on his voice to make it clearer than he others. Hello? I attempt to tell him. I hear you. Step one complete. Now I don't know what to do. What do I do now? I ask. You can control stuff right? Try to show me something. I think of an image of a nice flower. I try to send it to him like I do when I talk to him. Can you see it? Probably not. Yes. Oh. Oh okay. Okay, now what. This is a train wreck. Try showing me something longer. Like a telepathic video. Also, pretty flower. He appreciated my flower. I can try. What would like to see at Ellie's telepathic theater today? This is weird. And to think I would have been at home right now if I was born before my brother. Wow.
       I don't know. Maybe I can show him happy memory. Yeah. That sounds good. Happy. I think of when my Mom and Dad was away and my brother wasn't mean. I try to send one of my memories like I did with the picture. It's like I'm in a different world. I'm standing with James next to me. I look over to see him staring at little me. My messy red hair covers my face as my brother dumps snow on my head. Why am I not surprised. I get up and chase after him giggling, with my tiny arms full of powdery snow. I hear my Dad yell something. "Elizabeth! Eric! What are you doing? Is that how royals behave? Do you find happiness in terrorizing your brother, Elizabeth?" My brother starts to defend me but my father shuts him down. "You don't need to defend her, son. It's okay. Just admit it." Little me starts to cry and apologize when I realize James is still there. I break the connection immediately and open my eyes before he does. I wipe my newly damp cheeks, just as he opens his eyes.
       He opens his mouth to speak, but I cut him off. "I'm sorry. I didn't remember how that ended I-" I rambled, but James cut me off. "It's okay. I'm so sorry. But, you were really, really cute. You were so tiny." That's his response? He is really happy. "Congratulations Ellie. We've gotten really far in not a long time." "Thanks." "We'll pick this up tomorrow okay?" I nod. Well. That was eventful.

Author's Note: Well that was emotional. -Your Loving Author.

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