Chapter Seventeen: James

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Sorry that I forgot this before, but be aware. Violence ahead. It's graphic or anything, jut it's still kinda sad. Okay hope you enjoy.
I'm going to be honest. I am, really worried about Ellie. She, for the most part, is pretty anti social. She always seems distant, and she's quiet. Everyday it takes a war for me just to get her to eat anything, and her dad is a jerk. He was yelling at when she was really tiny. Maybe he changed maybe he's better now.
As her teacher I am supposed to keep her safe, but I'm not supposed to be all up in her business I have to wait for her to come to me. So I'm like a lost puppy? Ellie's voice echoed in mind. You know that's not what I mean. I'm just worried about you Ellie. I try to convince her. You're my teacher. Teachers teach you stuff, and get payed. It's not your problem. If you're worried, then just... stop worrying. I sigh. You know I can't do that. It's not like I'm just going to stop worrying. Then figure it out. Ellie says before I feel her presence leave. I just messed it all up. So much for her coming to me.
I find her at her usual tree during breakfast. "Don't you want to eat something?" I ask her. She shakes her head without looking at me. I try not to argue, so I just nod.  I sit down next to her. "While your sitting here, do want to do today's training so then I can spend more time helping Grace to do something other then running?" "Did use the Grace not running card?" I nod slightly confused. "That's like using the puppies dying in Poland card. Desperate much?" I chuckle. At least she's back to her slightly funny moody self. She still hasn't looked at me though.
       "Today I want you to try to control the image or world." I explain. "I did that yesterday. Ask Connor." "Oh. Okay. You with Connor? That's good!" I saw her little eye roll. "Stop trying to be my dad." I ignore her. "Well can you show me?" She signs and turns towards me. She puts her pointer finger and middle fingers on my temples. I look at her confused for a second before I fell her in my head. I close my eyes, and then am transported to a new world. It was snowy, and there was a frozen pond. Immediately it changes to a meadow. Then to a forest. "Happy?" She breaks the connection as I'm thrust into reality.
       She starts to get up. The tablet I use to control things stratus to flash. "Ellie." She looks over at me. "Can send like, a-uh, message to everyone to get suited up?" She nods and puts her finger to her temple. I press the reaping button and tell it we're on our way. I don't need to get dressed since I'm always dressed. I run to the van in the garage.        Ellie was the first to come running down the hall to find me. "You could've thought to tell us where you were going!' She told me out of breath. "Sorry." I apologized. "Come on get in." I said ushering her into the back of our van. "You do realize they're never going to find us right? This place is huge!" "You found me." She tapped the side of her head. I nod. "Get them here though?" She nods and puts her fingers to her temple. The kids come running down the hall and hop into the van.  Close the door and run to the front and start to leave the garage.
       I put my earpiece in. "Where am I going?" "Cross the border to Carlinain, and I'll help you from there. You should be there in about ten minutes." "Thank you." "Your welcome."
       As I'm aware of right now, it's not a drill. Usually I'm the first one to be told about these things. So if it is just practice, I'm not sure why I wasn't told.
       I reach the border and they ask for my ID. I show it to them and since I'm deemed as important personnel, I basically get the fast pass. "Avery?" "Go to the East Square." I drive to the square. "Avery?" "East Side Beach." She tells me. "Thank you." I hear the kids chattering in the back. They've got to be terrified. Well, Evan might be excited, but other than that.
        When I get there, I see a man on the other side of the beach shooting at police officers. "Avery? Are you sure this is safe for the kids they're barely trained." "I'm just following orders, James. You know that." "Right." I muttered to myself.
       An officer who was part of the Secret Society as a partner for the police in Carlinain, called the officers off the beach. They drove away in their vehicles and we were left alone. I went to the back of the van and opened the doors."This is very dangerous. We are going up an armed man. If you don't feel comfortable yet, then you don't have to do anything." Connor spoke up. "Raise your hand if you're going." Everyone raised their hand. Connor nodded at me.
       I split into six and told them all to get behind me. They all listened. The man walked closer to us. He was dressed in all black and had a mask over his face. "We can stand our ground." I tell the kids. They don't move until he starts firing at us. The first just misses me and hits the van instead. Connor pushes through the barrier of my copies and starts to deflect the bullets. "Connor! What are you doing?" I yell at him. "Saving us!" He yells back. "Connor! Keep doing that!" Yells Ellie from behind me.
       Suddenly the man stops and Connor deflects the last bullet he shot our way. I look behind me to see Ellie with her hand to her temple. Take his gun. Ellie's voice echoes in my mind. I run up in front of the frozen man and take his gun from his hands. I push him to the ground and point the gun at him. "Ellie!" I call out to her telling her to unfreeze him. He unfreezes, and looks around for a second. "Don't move." I command.
       Then, in a split second, I see him reach to his belt and pull out another gun. I go to pull the trigger on my gun, but I panic. The shot rings out and I yell out in pain. I fall to the ground. He had shot my shoulder.
       My copies come running towards him and tackle him to the ground. They take his gun before Ellie freezes him again. I faintly hear the kids footsteps running towards the man and me. They call out to me but I can't respond. My ears were ringing, and my hand covering my wound felt numb. My vision was blurry and I only felt the searing pain in my shoulder.
       I looked over and saw Evan having the man with his hands behind his back he nodded towards Ellie and the man started struggling. Ellie kneeled down in front of me and studied my face. She put her fingers on my temple. My ears stopped ringing and my vision cleared up. The pain in my shoulder practically disappeared. "Are you okay?" She asked me. "Weirdly enough yes. Are you doing this?" "Doing what?" She said. I shook my head. I'll ask her later. Ellie helped me to my feet. I morph back into one with the energy I have left. Ellie guides me slowly over towards the road where an ambulance already is waiting. "Are you okay to walk?" Ellie asks me. I nod.
       "Ellie! Freeze him!" Yelled Evan. Ellie put her finger to her temple, but was too late. The man hit Evan's head and ran away towards the forest as Evan fell to the ground. Grace starts to run after him but I call out to her. "Don't go after him." She stopped and looked back at me. "But-." She protested. "No." I told her sternly. "Connor." Ellie said from next to me. Connor rushed to my side to help me stand. I leaned against him lightly so I could keep my balance. I was still a little dizzy. Ellie ran to Evan's side along with Grace. "James? We have to walk towards the ambulance." I nod at him and start walking with him.
       As we start walking closer to the ambulance the pain in my shoulder gets progressively worse. Suddenly it all came flooding back. I began to fall, as I couldn't hold my weight. Connor catches me before I reach jthe ground.
       The next minutes went by like a blur. I was lifted onto a gurney, strapped down. I opened my eyes just a little. I saw Ellie standing next to me. I looked at her confused. "Why are yo-." I tried to ask. She shushed me and put her hand on my arm. I shut my eyes and I suddenly was tired. Then everything went black.

Author's Note: this was unnecessarily long. Sorry.

The Next Generation (Secret Society of Second-Born Royals Fan-Fiction)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz