Chapter Thirteen: Grace

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I'm not going to deny it. I do, really like Ellie. I think she's great. I think it also would be great to be more than friends. Call it a crush I suppose. She's really pretty, and nice. I don't really think she likes me too much but that's okay.
I can't really think about her ever. Since she can read my mind and all that. I don't want her to know about it. She'll probably think I'm weird and won't even want to be friends with me. I can tell Connor likes her, and I can also see she likes him.
But for now I shall think about... oranges? They are orange and bumpy. Bumpy and orange. They're kinda like bananas. You have to take the peel off. Sometimes they have little pieces to peel off and eat. Sometimes you have to cut them. You can do that with bananas too. There's thirds and if they're just ripe, you can break it apart and it looks cool. What the heck? Why? Oh. Hi Ellie. I think the question is why not. She can't control what I think about! Actually I can. Comes with mind stuff. Ooh. Cool. How does it work? This is cool. I don't know. I just can. Go back to running. Oh right. Woah I forgot I was running! That's good right? Huh. I should keep running. It's boring though. Ellie! Tell James I'm bored! Maybe he'll let me do something else. He says he doesn't care. Dang it. Time to think about Jenifer Lawrence. Dang I love her.

Author's Note: Yay! It's short.

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