Chapter Thirty-Seven: Ellie

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They wouldn't even look at me. I get that they don't know about my powers, but they stare at me like I'm a freak. For my dad, it's nothing new. But my mom and Eric? I can't tell them and explain. I just have to let them stare.
       James left me alone and defenseless. I don't know what I can say and can't say. It wasn't my fault. In retrospect, I realize that I probably shouldn't have gotten so angry. If I had been able to control myself none of this would be happening. But what's done is done. At least Dad's sobered up a bit.
       I eat my meals after they do. It's not like they are making me, I just want to avoid their stares all I can. The only times that I do see them is when Eric comes into my room to check on me. Which, very obviously is my parents forcing him to check on me so they don't have to. I'd rather have him not, but that's not really my choice, or his for that matter.
       Tonight, unfortunately, is not a night where I'm able to avoid them. I'm being forced to eat dinner with them. Against their, and my better judgment. It's not going to end well. I walk down the hallway towards the dining room. I walk past the butler, Jeremy. He avoids making eye contact with me. Ouch Jeremy. I sit down at the table across from Eric.
    "Hi Ellie." He said to me. "Hi." I said bluntly. My parents haven't gotten here yet. We were waiting for them to come, then we can eat, and leave.
My mother comes in first, in her evening glam and sits down and the end of the table where she usually sits. My father walks in tardy and takes his seat.
We eat silently until my father speaks up. "Ellie, we need to talk." He says looking up from his food to look at me. "Alan, this can wait until after dinner." Mom protests. But my dad shakes his head. "No. I want this to be a family conversation." He tells her. She shakes her head disapprovingly but doesn't say anything.
   "We've noticed you've been avoiding us." He said turning to me. I nod. "Sorry." I say quietly staring down at my plate. He kept staring at me. "I don't know what happened, but whatever it is, it's not your fault." He said calmly. So they think it wasn't me. Huh. "I just want you to talk to us." Mom said. "That's all." She looking over at me. Dad was still staring. I give Mom a nod before returning my gaze to my plate. "You haven't eaten anything yet." Dad comments. "You just pushing your food around doesn't do anything." He says. I then realize I was pushing around my spaghetti with my fork. I hadn't even noticed. I put a forkful of spaghetti into my mouth. Yet Dad continues to stare.
The rest of the dinner is quiet. We left the dinner table as promptly as we got there. Even though that means Mom and Dad waited for an invitation to leave. I went to bed as usual, without seeing anyone. I wait until everyone goes to bed to brush my teeth.
I get up to brush my teeth and I realize how stuffy it is. It's warm and gross. I shove the bathroom door open. Cool air rushes in through the open crack and the window. It feels so soothing. Open the window a little more. It just feels better. Like little by little by little my worries are just being put to rest.
I open the window as far as it can go and I climb out promising I'll go back inside in a few minutes. I close the window a little bit so animals can't get inside. Cold air rushes into my lungs. It feels so refreshing. I feel the urge to explore, yet there's nothing I haven't seen here. I wander around for a bit before realizing that there's no point. I walk towards the gate where the night guards stood. I walk up to one and recognize him to be Matt. I don't know all the guards, but Matt is one of the ones I do know. I've known Matt since I was little. He was the one that went with me to get brownies at the bakery when I was little and when Eric was busy. So every time.
       He turned around and looked at me. "Ellie! Long time no see! What are you doing out so late?" He asks with a smile. "Just getting some fresh air, that's all." I tell him. He nods. "Am I allowed to go outside of the gate?" I ask hopefully. He shakes his head. "No. It's too late. If you wanted to go out tomorrow morning, then maybe, but not tonight." He said with a sympathetic look on his face. "Sorry." He said. "Please?" I say. "No. I'm sorry. It's too dangerous." He says shaking his head. I give him puppy eyes and he rolls his eyes. "I wish I could, Ellie. But it's strictly against the rules. You need to have an escort." He says. "Then come with me." I tell him. Again, he shakes his head. "I can't leave. Unless I find a replacement. Everyone who isn't here is sleeping. I'm sorry Ellie." I pout. He sighs and looks over at the guard next to him. "Hey George!" He calls out to him. The guard, George, looks over to Matt. "Yeah?" He yells back. "Can you cover me?" He asks. George nods, and says, "Sure." "Thanks." Matt calls back. Matt nods to me and opens the gate.
       "We don't have any longer than fifteen minutes. Okay?" Matt told me. I nod. We walk down the sidewalk. The street lights shine down on us as we walk. "Thanks for coming with me." I say. He nods. "Of course. Anyways, it's nice talking to you. You've been away for so long." He says. "It's been like five weeks at most." I say. "That's a long time!" He exclaims. I roll my eyes. "Sure." He laughs. "Well thank you for missing me." I say. "Your welcome for missing you." I giggle.
       "So what have you been up to?" He asks nonchalantly. I panicked slightly, but regained my cool. "Oh you know, summer school stuff." I lie. He nods. "You always seem to be a good student though. Did something happen?" He asks. "My dad just got fed up that's all. My grades always have to be perfect for him, you know? I guess they just weren't perfect enough, that's all." He nods not saying anything.
       We walk for a bit and are about to turn around, when a dark figure appears about 12 feet in front of us. "Get behind me." Matt says urgently. I nod and move behind him. I reach out to the figure's mind, but I don't hear anything. It's like his mind doesn't exist. He walked closer, and then suddenly, Matt who was walking closer to the figure, froze.

Author's Note: A long one! To make up for the last one.

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