Chapter Forty-Two: Guard

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       While on my night shift guarding the front entrance of the castle, I see the princess walk down the hall towards us. "Princess?" I call out into the darkness. She walks closer and closer to us. She gets closer to us so we can see her face in the dim light. Her eyes are closed. I figure she must be sleepwalking. There was a rumor that.
       She's been sleepwalking lately. She walks towards the door and ignores us. The guard on the other side of the door gently pushes her away. She pushes against him. "I'm sorry miss. You have to stay inside. You should go back to your room." He says to her. "I think she's sleepwalking," I tell him. "Way to state the obvious." He says looking at me.
      He continues to try to push her in the direction she walked over to us from. She turned towards him and punches him in the gut and then moves towards the door. I lunge to stop her. She moves away. I put my arms around her so she can't hit anyone. She shrieks and kicks her legs. The other guard looks up at me confused. "Go get someone," I tell him. He nods.
       The next morning after I'm being asked questions. Ellie was being sent someplace. Of course, they haven't told us where, but we assume that it's some sort of mental hospital. We heard that she had been yelling at her father, and had been sleepwalking before. I think she's kind of crazy. They put her in a car. While on gate duty, I saw the car leave. She was in the back just staring down at her lap. maybe she's possessed or something.

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