Chapter Forty: James

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"Ellie?" I say into the phone. "Hi James! Nice to hear your voice." She says happily. "Someone's in a good mood." I comment surprised. "Yup!" She says. "I'm going to get right into it. Remember the guy from the beach? The leader?" I ask. "Yup." She says strangely confident.
    "Well we arrested him." "Yay!" She said before I can finish. "But he escaped." I tell her. "Not yay." She says. Man is she acting weird. I've never heard her this happy.
    "So I just want to let you know to make sure you stay with in the gate, for now. Okay?" I tell her. "What?" She asks confused. "You left in the middle of the night. With a guard, yes, but that guard said the was a teleporting guy?" I tell
    "I went out, yes, but I think that guard might be going a little crazy." She said giggling. "What? Uh... whatever." I say. "Bye, Ellie." I say. "Hi James." She said. "Um... hi?" I say confused. "What do you mean? You called me. You interrupted my book. I was reading." She says. "I- right. Sorry. Bye." I say awkwardly ending the phone call.
Yes, Ellie can have mods swings I guess, but those were like, huge mood swings. But I guess I shouldn't worry. She's probably really stressed with all that's going on. The poor girl.
"Did you talk to Ellie?" Grace asked. I nod. "How was she?" She asks. "She's fine." I say bluntly. I don't want her to worry. She has other things to focus on.
   This includes, well, war. Almost war. With our kingdoms crumbling in our hands, you can imagine how busy the Secret Society is. There is no time to sleep. Statues of the greats are being smashed into cookie crumbs. Except they're statue crumbs. Riots at castles are rising, and every single day the royals are being put into more and more danger.
The people we've been seeing, are being called the instigators. They are getting all the citizens riled up.
We've recognized the leader to be one of a past Second-Born. He was before my time, but he's said to be able to stop time. He can supposedly target certain things. He could stop someone, but everyone else can still move.
Why he hasn't used his powers on us is beyond me. He also very clearly called us freaks. Maybe he was trying to hide it.
But then again, wouldn't he have known that we would know it's him? Maybe we personally didn't recognize him, but we were bound to eventually.
The people who did know him when he was part of the Society said that he was very dangerous. Not because of his powers, but his manipulative capabilities. They never figured out if it was a second power or not. Second-Borns only have one power. That's why they doubted it being a power I guess.
It's only a matter of time before he uses his power against us. But they haven't identified any other Second-Borns. So either he truly believes in this cause, or he's using them. I'm definitely leaning towards the second one.
He apparently was always upset with the fact that he couldn't be king. So it might be a power thing. Not, super power thing, but control over the entire world, type of thing. Hungry to rule. It's not uncommon in young Second-Borns, it just starts to be a problem when you start to carry that with you through life.
Which is why it's such a problem with him. He's got manipulative, has an army, and basically has super powers. What could go wrong. Right? I'm being sarcastic.
So far, there haven't been any attacks that we could have stopped. The ones that are either directly threatening the royals, or are out of the view of the public we can take care of. So not that many.
All of the attacks include guns. Civilians who aren't on their side are either convinced, or killed. Morbid, I know. There have been small villages that were bombed. They were the kind that you can place and then run and set them off. The ones with a remote.
If we keep the castles safe, and not let anyone in, then they should be fine. Safe from these types of bombs. They're having problems with letting press onto the premises, but the royals can't leave, either.
Which is why it's so crazy to me that they let Ellie out. Maybe she used her mind control. But why would she want to? She's got to understand how dangerous this is. Right? With all the chaos going on, she can't be sheltered to the point where she's oblivious. She must've had a reason to want to go out. She said she wanted fresh air, but that seems like a lot of work for a breath of cold air.
Ellie has been acting weird. The phone call was weird, her going out was weird, and even the fact that she wanted to go out. On many occasions the kids would go places, and she would stay there reading her book.
       But I guess we'll figure out what's up soon. Connor and Ellie are coming back from their short break. I'm not really sure what any time that little would do, but we'll certainly be glad to have them back. We don't want to put any pressure on them, because they both have injuries, but we need them. Ellie seems to be feeling better, and Connor said that his headaches have started going away. I guess we just have to hope that they can get right back into everything because we need them. A lot.
       Connor and Ellie are basically the backbone of our group right now. Of course we have other groups working in other places, but they're busy. So we're on our own.
       As a teacher, I know improvisation is important. Being able to adapt and all that. But it's really hard when nothing is going your way.
       I pride myself on being a big part of the Society. But when all is said and done, I'm pretty much, just the teacher. I work with the kids, until I get new ones. Some times it's back to back. Some kids are younger than the others and can't get stuck with the older ones. These kids should have waited a year, so then they're almost done with school, but we needed them. We had to expect it was going to get this bad.
       This year might be the last year teaching before the upcoming kings and Queens have kids. Which could be years.
       Until that happens, I keep in touch with this group of kids, other past groups, and basically anything they need me to do. I don't usually have a say in anything, but just assist them on missions when they need me.
       So I don't really get a say. Hence why we have went on any of the missions recently and why these kids are even here. Although it makes it so I don't really have to make many decisions.
       Either way, it's my job to protect these kids. In such a crazy world, it's getting hard. Plus they aren't all in one place. And, we have to go on missions constantly. Even if they aren't all dangerous. It's scary. I'd look on the bright side, but I don't really think there is one. I get to hang out with moody teenagers who hate me? Totally a "positive". Not really.

Author's Note: I- two thousand reads? What the heck?! Thank you so much! I really didn't expect it to be this big. You probably don't really think it's much, but it really means a lot to me. So thank you so, so, SO much. Anyways, enough with cheesy stuff. Thanks for reading!

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