Chapter Thirty-Four: Ellie

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"Good morning. How are you?" Asked James as he walks though the door. "Bad." I respond bluntly. He raises his brows. "Why's that?" He asks sitting down next to me on the bed. "Would it be wrong of me to compare you to my parents?" He makes a face before telling me, "Maybe a little." Sympathetically. I nod. "I just don't understand how it's fair." I huffed with my arms crossed. "I must sound like a spoiled brat." I tell leaning back into my pillow. "The opposite really." He stated, giving me slight reassurance. "It's like I feel mad at him for the first time." I say. "For the first time?" He questions. "I've always been mad at myself. Maybe it's him. I'm sorry does that make any sense." He nods. "I get it. I don't think you should be mad at yourself or your parents." He said. "And you suggest..." I say waiting for him to finish the sentence. He just shrugged. "It just doesn't seem fair." I complain. He nods. "I get it."
       "Well, enough of that, it's too sad. How are you?" I ask. "Good. Everyone else seems good too. Although I do have some news." He said. "They're releasing you today!" He says excitedly. "Yay!" I exclaim. "Okay more news. Maybe bad news, maybe good. It depends." I give him a confused look and wait for him to tell me what it is. "You're going back to your home." "Like my, my home?" I ask confused. He nods. "Why? Don't we have missions and stuff?" I spit out in confusion. "Well we're not training anymore, and you can't do missions. Connor is going home as well." He tells me calmly. I pout. "Why?" I whine. "Because." He says in a mocking tone. "Fine." I said dropping it knowing I would argue more later.
       "Oh my gosh! I missed you so much!" Yelled Grace as I walked through the door with James. She ran towards me and gave me a huge hug. I gave her a smile. Everyone walked in and we had a nice group hug. Except for Evan. He's too cool for hugs. Apparently they all knew that Connor and I were leaving for a while. Grace brought to my room to get packed up. Unfortunately, James forced me to walk the slowest anyone could ever walk ever, and have Grace do must of everything. All because of a little injury.
James told me that we're leaving later today, and that he would go with him. Connor's parents are picking him up. My parents decided to delay the arrival though. They didn't want me back, and they didn't know I was coming back until today. So I'm going home later. Just another example of my parents being awful.
Connor was waiting but the door with all of his things. He had them in a suitcase in his left hand. "When are your parents coming to get you?" Connor asked me looking over to me. "They're not. James is dropping me off." He nodded and dropped the subject. As if on cue, a black limo pulled up in front of the entrance. Connor gave me quick goodbye hug before running out into his father's open arms. His mother joined the hug after taking Connor's suitcase and handing it to their driver. Connor gave me a quick wave goodbye that I returned, before driving away. I guess that just leaves me.
James and I were taking a limo identical to Connor's. My luggage was in the back. James sat next to me looking out the window. As we got closer and closer I got more and more anxious. "Do I have to go?" I ask. He looks over at me and gives me a sympathetic look. He nods. "You'll be fine." He said reassuringly. "You won't be missing much anyways." He told me. I nod and then look out my window.
       Undeniably, Carlinain is pretty. The grass and trees were green. There were fields of sunflowers chasing the sun's every move. The colors blurred together as we sped closer to our inevitable destination.
       We made it to the castle. My home. Of course it was one of the larger castles. My father would have it no other way. James helped me out of the car and we walked closer and closer to the castle entrance.
       The guards surrounding the castle knew who we were, so they let us pass. Panic rose in my throat. What would he say? Would he be mad? James could tell I was nervous and gave me a pat on the back of reassurance.
       As we walked in through the door I heard my mom call out to my dad that we were here. Our butler Jeremy gave me a nod and smile. My father and mother walked into the hallway where James and I were standing. "Who are you?" My father said to James looking him. "My name is James Morrow. I'm Ellie's teacher." James said calmly with a nod. My father's gaze left James and on to me. Here it comes. I see my mom start to panic as my father walks closer to me. "Alan! We have guests!" She says cheerfully trying to not make a scene. She then turns to James. "Would you like a cup of tea?" She offers to James. "No, no that's oka-." James starts but his attention returns to my father.
My father continued to stare at me. I'm not really sure what he has to yell at me for, but apparently, somehow, he's found something. "I just wanted to let you know that we took away their phones, which is why she didn't return your calls." James says. My father surprisingly nods and doesn't fight it. "Is this the end of their summer school?" He asks surprisingly politely. James shook his head. "We're keeping them for the full six weeks." He said. Which I didn't know. "Is there a reason?" He asked. "The complications we had in the beginning of the summer aren't present, so we will bring her back in if that's okay with you." James said politely. My father just gives him a nod.
I see Eric run towards us. He comes over and give me a hug. "My favorite sister! I've missed you!" I smile. "You only have one sister." "That's what makes it funny." He says back. My dad looks at us disapprovingly. Eric ignores him and continues resting his arm on my shoulders. I decide to let him. What's the worst that could happen?
"Well, I should get going." James said. I looked at him pleadingly to stay, but he ignores me. "Thank you for bringing Ellie home for us! I hope it wasn't a burden." My mom says. "Of course not." James says. "You know, we just made some cookies! Let me get you some!" "You don't have to." James says politely. "No I insist! I'll get them." She said running to the kitchen. Aren't you allergic to gluten? I said to James telepathically. Yeah. I can't say no though. I'll just give them to Grace and Devon. They like sweet things. Mom's head pops out from around the corner and motions for James to go over. He looks at me before following her.
       Dad turns to me and moves Eric and I apart. "Stop it." He said sternly. "Why?" I asked. "You know why Ellie." He says trying to hint to me to let it go. But anger rises within me. "Do I? Because standing near my own brother is breaking the rules?" I say pushing him further. "Ellie." Eric says trying to get me to calm down. I ignore him. "Why is it not my place to be able talk or hug my brother?" I ask. I don't know why I was so angry. But I didn't want to stop. It felt so good to let it out. "Ellie! Stop it!" My dad said, continuing to try to calm me down. I ignore him once again. "No! Look, I'm sorry your a drunk and I'm sorry that you don't have a heart. But it's not our fault you don't love us! It's not my fault you didn't want a girl! It's not my fault!" I yelled. I felt myself crying. But I didn't do anything to stop it.
       "Ellie..." My father said calmer reaching for my arm. "Stop!" I yell at him moving away. "Ellie, please." He said reaching for my arm again. "Stop it!" I tell even louder than before. Suddenly I felt myself in my fathers mind, but not in the way I usually do. He cried out in pain and felt to the ground. I broke the connection between our minds. I looked at the fear in his eyes as he looked up at me. I looked over to Eric with tears in my eyes. He took a little step back away from me. I ran away to my room crying.

Authors Note: Happy New Year's Eve! I didn't check this for typos or mistakes, so sorry.

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