you remind her

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" Severance Hospital "

Jungkook said while sitting in the taxi. He opens the window and let the passing wind mess with his hair closing his eyes to clam himself but the memories of the last evet keep plays in his mind the certain someone's rosy lips occupied his while mind, Jungkook cursed under his breath.

This is not right, what was he going to do? To kiss him? The thought make him feel weird. What will have happen it Taehyung didn't stop him Jungkook doesn't want to think about that.

" sir we are here " Jungkook was so caught up in his thoughts so he didn't see they arrive the hospital, he paid for the driver and head in to the hospital.

Jungkook release a big sighs before he enters Sohee's room. The girl was lying in the medic bed without no care of the world, Jungkook sits beside her bed taking her hand.

" Noona, I don't know what's wrong with me, I am sorry okay? I am all yours right? So please come back to me noona tell me I am all yours, don't let me forget that "

Jungkook mumbles staring at her hand feeling kind of guilt to look at her face even though he didn't do anything wrong yet.

When Jungkook was having hard time dealing with his own messed up mind Sohee was there to remind him that he belongs to her, her sweet smile, her kind words distract him from thinking about unnecessary things. But now he is all alone, his mind is thinking whatever it wants about that someone.

What can he do about that, the more he sees him means the more he have to go through this so Jungkook made his mind to avoid Taehyung, yes that is the best thing he can do.

After making that decisions Jungkook finally bring himself to look at the beauty infront of him. He still remember the first day Sohee walked in to her office room, also it's the first day Sohee made her way into his life.

_________Flashback (This continues from chapter 8)____

Jungkook roam around his office room starting today he will be the in charge of Jeon enterprise, even he was tittle as the co CEO because his father is also in the same position he just know that his father is going to make him do all the things alone.

He knew this day will come from the very beginning because his father trained and educated him to be in this position today, as the youngest CEO in South korea, he was mostly home schooled and that why he was kind of bad at dealing with people, but he likes it that way because getting attach to someone means you will left with a broken heart in the end. He had experienced that before, that's why he decided to not let anyone come close to his cold heart after his mother's death.

Jungkook sits in his seat hearing the door knock.

" come in "

The door opens revealing a male with big shinning smile.

" Good morning sir " the male walks toward and stop infront his new boss.

" Hoseok right?" Jungkook knew his as his father's assistant.

" Yes sir, Congratulations on your first day."

Jungkook nods as a response. " You going to work as my assistant? " Jungkook asks because he remember yesterday Jimin was saying he is going to has the girl with that boy is going to be his assistant or something like that.

" I am here to inform you about that Sir, I will continue as Mr. Jeon's assistant but since you handling most of the stuff now I will be your assistant too. But you have your personal assistant to take care of the work because I have to wark with Mr. Jeon most of the time, she is now waiting outside can I call her in? "

𝑀𝒜𝒦𝐸  𝐼𝒯   𝑅𝐼𝒢𝐻𝒯   (Taekook FF)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ