not your fault

476 24 15

The bartender keeps the door open for Taehyung to enter. Taehyung slowly enters the bar area nervousness is getting the best of him.

" there Mr. Jeon is " , the side profile of Junkoook holding a glass fills with unknown liquid comes to Taehyung's vision when he roams his eyes to where the bartender is pointing, his head hangs low making it hard to see his face.

Taehyung slowly made his way to Jungkook and stops behind him, his heart beats out of his chest because of the nervousness babbling inside him.

Before he calls his hyung , Junkook turns his head feeling a presence behind him. His eyes bloody red and the frown he wears when looking at the poor boy make him step back from Jungkook.

Jungkook keeps his gaze on Taehyung for a while he is not sure if he is seen things now, because there is no reason for Taehyung to be here.

"H~yung " Taehyung finally voices not being able to handle the look he is reserving from the elder. Now Jungkook is sure he is not seen things Taehyung is here infront of him.

Junkoook turns away from him ignoring the call of the boy and gulp down the remaining liquid of the glass.

Taehyung stays their watching the elder, the nervousness he had now replace with fear he have never seen Jungkook like this and it fears him.

Junkook placed the empty class on the counter asking for another shot and the bartender looks at the younger , hesitant in his face is visible, this is Jungkook's 18th glass he is asking for tonight ,normally it's hard to bare a 5 shot of this drink without passing out. The bartender wonders how Jungkook still survive not passing out completely because he knows how strong is the liquid Jungkook keep swallowing, after his 10th shot the bartender witness Jungkook leans on the counter the bartender thought it's the limit that's when he makes that call bartender barely herd him but he is sure the male was crying, soon after the call Jungkook excused himself to the washroom leaving his phone behind. After he returns he kept drinking again.

The bartender poured the liquid hoping the boy called after Mr.Jeon left will aspire soon. He knows Jungkook for a while since he is a friend of club owner and he envy the male so much so it's hard for him to see Jungkook in this state.

Jungkook glares at the bartender not liking the delay and found he is looking behind him obviously at Taehyung.

" WHAT ARE YOU DOING? GIVE ME THE DAMN DRINK" Jungkook snaps, so the bartender hesitantly fills his glass still looking at Taehyung, this make Taehyung comes to his sence, he can't just stand there he is here for Jungkook he should stop him. So Taehyung make his way to Jungkook.

Jungkook is about to gulp down the drink when a hand with long fingers stops him, he knows who is the owner of this pretty hand,

" hyung stop please~ " Taehyung says his voice almost cracking form the sob he is holding back, seen Jungkook like this hurt him so much.

" leave me alone Taehyung go home " Jungkook said not looking at the younger, his voice firm.

But Taehyung ignores him and sits next to him still holding into his arm stoping him from drinkig the alcoholic beverage. Taehyung takes the glass from him and place it on the counter and pushing it away giving the bartender look to take it away , and he did the exact thing Taehyung asked making Jungkook go red in anger.

How dare Taehyung to control him, normally the younger male will submit to anything he says but looks like it's not the case for today.

" what are you doing huh? I said leave me fucking alone can't you get a damn thing right? " Taehyung sighs, this is not the time to get affected by his words he has to stay strong because he sees how much broken the elder male is even if he trying to appears strong infront of Taehyung.

𝑀𝒜𝒦𝐸  𝐼𝒯   𝑅𝐼𝒢𝐻𝒯   (Taekook FF)Where stories live. Discover now