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" you what now? " Jin almost chocked on his own saliva after what Taehyung said to him,

" He kissed me, I kissed him back  " Taehyung mumbles, feeling bad as the reality started to hit him, He was not planning to talk about this at all but he couldn't hold everything alone so he decided tell Jin about what happened last night, after the kiss Jungkook bid him good night and went back to his owm room as if kissing eachother is just normal between them leaving Taehyung in daze.

And today morning he didn't get to meet Jungkook as he left to the company leaving a message for Taehyung to go to the collage with driver as something comeup in the company. Part of him was happy because he doesnt know how to face Jungkook after what happen last night but another part wishing to see the elder more than ever.

" Taehyung, " Jin calls the younger as he was spacing out,

" huh?"

" did you hear what I ask?  "

" No " Jin sighs it seems Taehyung has no idea what he is getting himself into, though he always had this suspicion about Taehyung and Jungkook relationship because of the things Taehyung talk about and that one time when he received a glare from Jungkook because he was holding hand with Taehyung when Jungkook came to pick him up, but he didn't thought that they will go this far,

" do you like him Taehyung " Taehyung felt his heart stop for a second when Jin ask that one question he himself avoided for a long time.

" I- I don't know hyung, do I like him? I don't know, I shouldn't like him right ? He is sohee noona's boyfriend , I shouldn't even think about liking him " 

Taehyung keep ramble, tears gathering in his eyes unconsciously, he didn't know when did the things get wrong, but now it feels like it's too late they already crossed a line.

" Tae, listen to me I want you to forget sohee noona for a while and be honest with your own heart, you can't get through this unless you figured out your feelings "

Taehyung close his eyes for a second, letting his heart speak for himself,

" I think I had a crush on him, but it was before he become sohee noona's boyfriend, and the day they announced their relationship I even cried at the night It was childish but I eventually get over him, and I was happy for noona I had never seen her that happy they were the perfect couple but there was times when Jungkook hyung's action confused me, like that time when we were at busan and when I asked him about it he started to ignore me to the point that I felt like he hates me, but after the accident lot of thing changed, we get closer and hyung treat me so well  even if I felt like a burden at first he proved it wrong he even apologize for being rude to me, he did lot of things no one ever did for me hyung , I feel so happy when I'm with him and every little thing he does make my heart beat  and when Jungkook hyung kissed me last night I didn't felt uncomfortable or guilty , not even a bit rather it felt good hyung it felt right, " 

Taehyung release the breath that he doesnt notice that he was holding after letting his heart out,

" Oh Tae it doesnt sounds like you just like him but you know this is not right, he already belongs to someone "

" I know hyung, I feels bad for feeling this way, I don't want to hurt noona I will never do that, I will talk to Jungkook hyung about this " Taehyung said as he wipes the tear escape from his eyes, he will never be the reason to ruin his sister's life what he feel is not important he still can make the things right.

" oh come here my brave boy, you will find someone that make you happy tae not cry like this he is not the one" Jin says as he hugs the younger giving him comfort as much as he can, he  felt  little angry towards Jungkook for Putting his best friend in this situation.

𝑀𝒜𝒦𝐸  𝐼𝒯   𝑅𝐼𝒢𝐻𝒯   (Taekook FF)Where stories live. Discover now