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Taehyung was shivering, his mother called him downstairs to meet his father, he should be happy that he finally meeting his father he has dreamed about this moment but this moment feels nothing like those dreams , in his dreams he was dying in joy happiness the moment before he meets his father but right now he doesnt feel any of that , if anything he'd rather run away than facing this moment.

Taehyung himself has no idea why he feels this way but his gut feelings says that whatever going to happen is not very pleasant.

With a heavy heart he manage to come downstairs, he can see a figure infront of him a glass of wine in his hand and th man is facing the opposite so taehyung only got his back view , he is quite tall even taller than Jungkook hyung, Taehyung felt a stick feeling in his heart just remembering Jungkook's name and the last encounter they had. He still can't figure out why jungkook acted that way. Taehyung was lost in his thought and he didn't see that his mom coming his way

" Hi darling, ready to meet your father ? " Taehyung came back to reality when seahyung whispers while giving him a side hug. Taehyung stuts his eyes and nods because at the moment he can't trust his voice.

" Joonie " Seahyung callsand Taehyung heard a boot clicking in a marble floor, his father is coming towards them,

" This is him?" With that Taehyung opened his eyes. Tge man infront of him doesnt look very happy to see him like he imagined in his dreams, so rather than running to hug his father Taehyung wanted to run far away from this man. So he unintentionally hides behind his mother which is useless as he is way taller than her.

" I think I have seen this boy before quite not sure where"

His father said still stating at him with his emotionless face.

" yeah ? May be while visiting Jeon because Tae has been sticking with them for a while right baby ? " seahyung asked , but her tone was kind of mocking so Taehyung didn't reply beside Taehyung can't figure out what's his father has to do with Jeons.

" Tsch, you are the boy Jeon's son ranaway with that day, I was wondering who that make our little jeon to quit his own ceo celebration party in the middle" Namjoon said with a smirk.

" oh he did? See I told you you'll get a good deal this time." Seahyung return the smirk as she was going to the sofa while filling her wine glass. His father also joined her without even giving him a second look which makes his heart break somehow, this is not how he imagine meeting his father but Taehyung is not surprised his life always have been like this. The only good thing happened to him was sohee and now she is not here with him either amd he misses her so much , Taehyung question if his bad luck is the reason sohee is suffering right now with that thought his eyes watered but he didn't want to cry infront of the man who now he knows as his father he already looked so disappointed with him in someway.

Not knowing what to do he stayed where he was, he wanted to go back to his room but,

" Taehyung come here "

Seahyung called him patting the space next to her in the sofa.

Taehyung feels like a puppet, tho he wants to run away he sees the warning in his mother's eyes that make him to obey somehow. So he did as told.

" Soohe lee, 26 years old, Jeon's co hospital , status : unconscious due to severe brain injury "

Taehyung eyes wide open hearing his noona's name from his so called father, he had a file open in his hand where Taehyung clearly cam see a photo of sohee. Taehyung heart started to beat faster, he does not understand what's happening.

Namjoon closed the file and stared at Taehyung,

" Do you want to have your sister back or do you prefer having her this way so you can keep playing with her boyfriend "

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