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The sun kisses the most beautiful tan skin of the boy while the wind play with his hair, the 18 years boy smiles and turn his head to the sky giving all access to the sun waving to the bird drowing rounds on the sky while singing only for him.

Taehyung stops just to feel the perfect weather, while walking back to his home from school.

Taehyung takes a deep breath filling himself with the fresh air, He is happy today. He got the highest greats among his classmates, he is impatient to tell this to his noona. She will be happy, and another thing make Taehyung happy is he Sohee got a Promotion last week. Sohee warked under Jeon enterprises for two years and her hard warking personality and her skills made her to come this far in her career.

Sohee was invited to the party that will be held in the Jeon enterprises tonight and Taehyung is going to be her date.Taehyung has seen the Jeon Enterprises main building from outside but he never got a chance to go there because it is not a place for everyone so Taehyung is very exited for tonight.

Taehyung starts walk again hoping to get home quickly, so he can change into a nice outfit for the dinner Sohee must be waiting for him to return.


" Good luck again man " Eunwoo gives a slight hug to Jungkook who barley returns it.

" You will be there tonight right ?" Jungkook asks before he get into his benz,

" would never miss it, Mr. ceo "

"Co-CEO " Jungkook corrected.

The word ceo gives Jungkook a heavy feeling, he is just not feel ready to accept that position but he can't go against his father, His father ask him to train with him, so one day he can take all the responsibility alone and he can retire peacefully.

"I see no difference " Eunwoo smiles, Jungkook just roll his eyes and get into his car.There will be a party tonight to announce him be a co-ceo of the company, Jungkook feels like his youth just ened even before it start, from now on he will have to spen his life in this business shit, it's not like he hates business he have a passion for it but he is Just not ready for all of this yet. Jungkook mind is full with these thoughts while he driving so he didn't notice the boy Jumps infront of his car. "oh shit "Jungkook hit the break, he manage to stops the car before it hits the boy.

Taehyung hugs the puppy tightly covering it in his arms and wait to get hit by the car. He hopes to feel the pain but nothing happened so he slowly open his eyes to see the car is stops a inch apart from him. Taehyung releases the breath he was holding.

Taehyung was just walking by the sidewalk when he saw a little puppy trapped in the middle of the road, it tried to cross the road and the car was approaching seem like, it didn't notice the puppy so Taehyung waits no time and jump infront to save the poor thing.

Jungkook get down from the car to check the boy sitting in the road infront of his car. And felt releaf seeing the boy is fine but he feels angry,

" Do you have a death wish? " Jungkook ask the boy who struggle to stand.

Taehyung glare at the owner of the voice. Why can't he drive carefully, the puppy almost got hit by his stupid car if he didn't save him.

Taehyung stands himself and turns into the male, Jungkook forget to breath for a while, 'damn, he is beautiful' Jungkook shakes his head what is he thinking yes the boy is beautiful and the angry pout on his face make him look cute at the moment but it is not important now.

" Are you stupid or something, what if I couldn't stop the car " Jungkook shouts making Taehyung go red with anger how dare he call him stupid Taehyung wants to throw his school report card to his face, but he can't open his bag to get it because he is holding the puppy.

" If I'm stupid you are blind, didn't you saw this puppy? you nearly hit him with your stupid car, I wonder who gave you driving license, " Taehyung shouts back glaring at the stranger he is in the mood for that.

Jungkook click his tongue coner of his cheeks trying to control himself, the boy throwing so many insult if he is not this cute while shouting he might have already punch him.

" Listen kid, you better thank me for saving your life than insulting " Jungkook said walking towards Taehyung.

" Why should I? it's you fault to drive carelessly "

" Is it my fault you jump infront of my car?" Jungkook questions,he doesn't know why he is still here, nothing happened so he should head back to where he was going but the boy infront of him make him wants to stay here messing with him.

" It's not my fault you nearly hit this puppy, you better apologize " Taehyung said pointing to the puppy and Jungkook laughs at that, he is asking to apologize to a puppy? Cute.

Jungkook walks futher towards Taehyung with a smirk in his thin lip that made Taehyung's confidence fall,
He felt unsecured when the stranger stops so close to him so before he say or do anything Taehyung kicks his keen that landed on Jungkook's crotch,

Jungkook hisses in pain looking at the boy just kick him rans away. People who walking by him gave him.a weird look seen him holding his crotch, Jungkook feels embrace, so he quickly get back to his car and drive off.

Taehyung runs with the puppy only to stop in his house. He giggles to himself remembering what he just did. He enters the house, that welcome him with a sweet smell of pancakes.

" Noona " Taehyung walks to the kitchen,

" oh you are back, come I made pancake " Sohee said smiling at his brother. " oh, who is the cutie " Sohee asks seeing the cute puppy in Taehyung's hand.

" Can we keep it? " Taehyung showing his deo eyes hoping sohee will agree to keep it,

Sohee just can't say no to her little brother so she agreed. " But where did you find it?"

Taehyung sits in the kitchen table starting the story how he met this puppy.

" Taehyung you just can't to do that, what if he did something to you " Sohee said after listening to his brother.

" but he didn't I ran " Taehyung said giggling.

" aww, you naughty boy, " sohee squeeze his cheeks " Don't do that again okay ? It's not a good thing "
Taehyung nods.

" Eat this and get ready we have a party to attend " Sohee said filling Taehyung's plate with pancakes and Taehyung happily eats thinking about the event he will attend tonight, "

' it's gonna be fun '


There is another part of this flashback in next chapter,

I hope this flashback thing would't confuse you.

Let's meet in next chapter.💜️

𝑀𝒜𝒦𝐸  𝐼𝒯   𝑅𝐼𝒢𝐻𝒯   (Taekook FF)Where stories live. Discover now