make it right

363 18 9

Sometimes when things get too hard and you can't tolerate with the image you build for the world,  you just need to let go of all the worries for a moment and give yourself a little time, in those time nothing will matter as your soul and your heart being honest to eachother, despite from all the barriers set by the world and forced on you,

And Jungkook feel to do the same as he sitting next to the person that his heart beats with yet to name feelings. May be he already knows the exact  name but he is still hesitate to accept. But in this moment where nothing matter as him and this person alone sitting next to eachother away from the world Jungkook decided to let his heart out at least a little because he was exhausted holding back it for a long time.

" May be because I am trying to be myself these days, instead of pretending something I am not I want to be myself specially when I'm with you "

Taehyung's heart skip a beat for unknown reason as Jungkook said those words staring deep into his soul with nothing but honesty holding in those dark shining obrs. For some reason this honestly shutters him a lot.

Jungkook know with all these he is trying to pass a dangerous line that leads even more dustup in the future with himself with the world and may be with Taehyung too. But his heart is daring him to cross the line instead of hiding himself anymore. He just need to wether he is alone in this or not that's why he is trying to figure the expression of the younger male who still holding to his stare, Jungkook doesnt remember when they come this close as they literally can seen their reflection in eachother's eyes,

It was Taehyung who broken the close proximity as he come to aware of it,
And it goes unnoticed by taehyung as disappointment washed over Jungkook's face, here goes his little hope that thinking may be he is not alone in this.

" why did you pretend hyung ?" ' And why are you not pretending with me, why me? ' Taehyung wanted to add but those questions better stay unsolved for everyone's sake.

Jungkook force a smile as Taehyung ask that, Jungkook wish he could give a reasonable answer but more he looks back the more he realize how stupid of him to act a way that put himself in this position where he can't be honest with the way he actually feels. In the end this stupidity of him will only hurt the people he love and adores the most.

" Sometimes people do things that they regret in the future Taehyung, if I get a chance to go back I will make them right" and Even if I can't fix the things that already happened , I don't want to regret anything with you ' Jungkook wish he could say that loud.

" and tae, I don't want you to regret anything " Taehyung bring his attention back to Jungkook as he said that,

" I know you are afraid of going near your mother but you should give her a chance to explain her side,  the things she did in the past can not be justify but you should hear her out, you don't have to do it if you are not comfortable yet but running away from the problems wouldn't end up well either, sometimes all you have to do it face them and find an answer "

these words Jungkook telling feels like he is advicing himself at the sametime as he is also running away from things for a long while. But he finally decided not hold anything back anymore so without hesitate Jungkook takes Taehyung's both hand and cups his small fits with his large ones as he continue, the act sure make Taehyung surprised but the warmth those hand generate was enough to  calm him so he closed his eyes feeling the most he could at the moment while listing to jungkook.

" You can't overcome your fears by avoiding them Tae, you have to face them, and when I said I will do anything to help you overcome them I mean it baby , we will do this together, will you let me  tae? Will you let me to help you ?"

As Jungkook as this with so much care and honesty Taehyung couldn't hold back anymore so he finally broke down infront of the person who willing to go through with all the hardships in his pathetic life.

From the moment Jungkook hear the broken sobs leave the younger he pull him closer to a tight hug,

" Shh it's okay baby I got you "  Jungkook    remove the all space better their bodies as he hold the younger so close  his heart   drawing patterns in his back to comfort him, Jungkook felt more alive than ever as if he got to hold the world in his bare arms , the world still to call his.

Taehyung doesnt know if he deserve these affection and care he is receiving from Jungkook, but in this moment he just wanted to be little selfish and let Jungkook show how he is gonna help him with all these and stay just by his side feeling nothing but  secure in these strong arms so he hugs Jungkook back not caring about anything anymore as he let his heart out,

After being with eachothers embrace for a little longer until Taehyung cries dies down, the younger finally broke the hug.

" I will hyung I will let you "

" Thank you tae, thank you for believing me thank you for forgiving me"

" No hyung , it's me who should be thank here, thank you hyung thank you for everything, thank you for not leaving me alone "

" I wouldn't ever leave you alone, we will do this together, and I promise

I'll do my best baby, I will try to fix you we will  make it right,"


It feels like I have no skill to write  anymore because I'm slowly becoming a bot without emotions all these academic activities.

Im sorry if this getting boring. But i tried to give them a fresh start through this chapter don't know if you guys like it 😪

Anyway stay safe.💜️💜️

𝑀𝒜𝒦𝐸  𝐼𝒯   𝑅𝐼𝒢𝐻𝒯   (Taekook FF)Where stories live. Discover now