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Taehyung has lived his whole life as long as he remember with the fear of the darkness with the fear of the loneliness but may be just may be it is not the darkness or loneliness make him terrified, but the fear of getting abandon.Because that's the only question that came to his mind when Jungkook ask him to walk in the alley, the last place he wants to be in the whole world.

He knows he shouldn't doubt his hyung he trust him but he did trust his mother too when she said she will comeback with ice cream he trusted her and wait even when the coldness of dark night started to pierced through his skin even when the loneliness got the best of him he wait until his fluffy eyes generate the last tear it could but she never come. 

" Taehyung you are shivering  " Jungkook whispers, he always knew this would be a dangerous move but he just wanted to help the younger but seen him in this state he is not sure anymore,
Jungkook's fear rises when Taehyung didn't response to him for a while now.

He is just standing there staring at the alley ahead of them, what if he get another panic attack he shouldn't have bring him here, with that thought Jungkook grabs Taehyung's hand,

" let's go you don't have to do this we can- " Jungkook couldn't compete his sentence as Taehyung and hugs him tightly Jungkook immediately hugs the younger back tho he was surprised,

" hyung "

" yes baby "

Taehyung now resting his head on jungkook's chest he clearly  hear the elders heartbeat, while Jungkook patting his hair trying to calm him which actually helps a lot,

" are we here because of what you said? You said you will help me to overcome my phobias is that why we are here? " Jungkook don't know why Taehyung asking this instead of asking him to take him home as he expected,

" yes baby, but I think this is not it I shouldn't have bring you here I'm sorry I make you like this we can go ba-"

" No " Taehyung said stopping Jungkook an raise his head still holding into him,

" I am afraid hyung I'm so afraid I want nothing but go away from this place, I don't know what you are planning to do but I want to stop running away for a once hyung I want to try, with you " it got lot of courage for Taehyung to make this decision though he is still terrified he just want to try he can feel how genuinely Jungkook wants to help him he doesnt want to make his hyung feel down because he did nothing wrong but tried to help so he will try ,

In other hand Jungkook couldn't describe what he just felt , Taehyung sure said he trust him but it's nothing compared to the feeling he got now because the younger proved it, he saw how afraid Taehyung was a while ago that he start to regret his decision but now seeing him willing to put his fears away because of him felt like he win the world, Jungkook gave a small smile to the younger who returns it before let him free from his hold as they stand facing the alley again.

" I am so proud of you Tae I'm so proud

, Just walk there okay and if it feel too much , I'll be right behind you, you can always come back to me "

These words encourage the younger more ' I'll be right behind you, you can always come back to me ' Taehyung  smiles nodding to the elder he feels like the risk is nothing as long as he can run back to the warmth of his hyung arms,

With that he stars to walk to the alley, the darkness start to embrace him, his hands collide with eachother near his chest eyes closed afraid to see the darkness ahead of him, with every step he takes the memories of him walking with his mother flashed through his head , his own giggles while his mother mention about ice cream echoes through his ears Taehyung felt how his heart start to beat faster , how shivers run trough his spine as he sees his mother disappearing from his sight, he can feel the way his legs giving up he know what's coming next but he didn't stop he keep walk, he was ready for what's coming though he isnt sure if he will survive this time because this feel too much to handle so he is this close to give up but then,

𝑀𝒜𝒦𝐸  𝐼𝒯   𝑅𝐼𝒢𝐻𝒯   (Taekook FF)Where stories live. Discover now