13. Sickness and Secrets

Start from the beginning

"So..." I said not knowing what to say.

"So..." He repeated.

"Why weren't you at work today?" He asked staring directly into my eyes.

"Violet was sick today,like throwing up sick so I didn't want to get May sick so I just called off" I explained.

He just nodded with his hands in his pockets. He looked like he wanted to say something and I knew what that something was so I brought it up myself.

"Do you want me to tell you about my tattoo now? Since we didn't have time yesterday"

"Only if you want" he said like a gentleman.

"Okay let's go to the couch,The kids will probably be asleep for another hour of so" he just nodded and followed me into the living room.

Once we sat down and got comfortable we just stared at each other as to ask who wants to go first.

"So I guess I'll start" he blurted out and I just stared waiting for him to continue.

"Ummm...well...." he looked like he was having trouble so I spoke up.

"How about I go first?" I suggested and he gave me a grateful look.

"So I wanna start from the beginning because I just want you to know me and why I am the way I am" I explained and he nodded.

"Something you should know is my dad is actually my adoptive father" I didn't dare look at him.

"My mother died during child birth and my real father blamed himself for wanting another child,so when I was three and Will was five my father killed himself, and me and Will became inseparable.Our social worker said no one would want to adopt two children at the same time so we really didn't have a chance to get adopted"I willed back my tears because I haven't thought about that in forever.

"For a while we bounced around foster homes until I turned ten. My foster parents got a call saying a couple wanted to adopt us both and that was our official ticket out of fosters and we were excited" that was a happy memory for me.

"When I was thirteen I met this boy. He was the nicest,sweetest boy ever. We became friends and then when I was fourteen we started dating and I was happy and he was happy." I smiled and looked at him and he was smiling too.

"Then on his sixteenth birthday we decided it was the right time and we slept together for the first time and it was nice." My smile fell from my face.

"Then a month later I found out I was pregnant. My brother wasn't happy and my parents were mad but supportive. My boyfriend was the most supportive out of all of them. He never left my side,he even slept at my house most nights." Tears started forming in my eyes from remembering.

"A couple months after my seventeenth birthday I went into labor. I was excited and nervous and so was he." I looked down at my hands.

"I was in labor for fourteen hours and then it was time. I gave birth fairly quickly to a boy" Tears started leaking out of my eyes.

"After he came out there was no cry and he was rushed out of the room. I was taken to recovery where we waited an agonizing 15 minutes even though it felt like fifteen hours. The nurse came in and said..." I was now full blown crying and Conner took my hand and squeezed.

"You don't have to tell me anymore" he whispered.

"No I need too" I got out. I continued on.

"The nurse came and said that my baby was still born. My entire life stopped and my boyfriend ran out of the room saying he needed time. This baby that I had carried for nine months was just gone." I paused and took as much courage as I could.

"Later that day my boyfriend came back and said he couldn't be with me anymore,he couldn't be with the girl that killed his child. Then he left and I never spoke to him again. After I was released from the hospital me,my parents and Will had a little funeral for my baby who I named Jarrod. A couple months after the funeral I decided I needed something for me to remember him by, I knew I would never forget but I needed something to remind me of him everyday so I got the tattoo" I cried.

"I am so sorry Elena" Conner said then dragged me into a hug and I hugged him back because that's what I needed.

I pulled back and wiped my tears.

"You're the only one who knows that besides my family,May thinks it was from a sibling who died because it was two fresh in my mind when I met her" I explained and he did something I didn't expect.

He leaned forward and placed his lips on mine and I just froze but that didn't seem to effect him and we just sat there for a few minutes with our lips just pressed together. Then he leaned back and smiled.

"Now I guess it's my turn" he laughed and I gave him a sad smile.

"You don't have to if you don't want to" I said grabbing his hand and squeezing.

"I want to" he smiled

Don't take my word on the adoption part because I don't know much about that so yeah

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