║Albedo║Notice Me

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This is requested by Monotone_Lavenders! Thank you so much for the request.


Word count: 1.1k


You were either too dumb to notice or purposely doing it-- either way, Albedo didn't stop in his attempt to court you. However, he was getting pretty impatient and irritated at how you dismiss his approach.

"(Y/N), don't you think this flower is beautiful?" he asks, eyes trained on the flower in his hand. You turned your head towards the blonde and stare at the flower. "Yeah, I guess.. Why are you asking?" As a knight under the command of Mondstadt's Chief Alchemist and Captain of the Investigation Team, you were assigned to follow him outside the city's wall and to the outskirts of the region.

Apparently, an adventurer from the Adventurer's Guild had stumbled upon a ruin that had been sealed away by a pile of huge rocks, and since the Knight of Favonius' takeover of the ruin, it was your duty to look inside the ruin for anything. It doesn't matter what it is as long as it is something. Although, you didn't know why you were the only one that Albedo wanted to come in his search, or did you?

You have seen the way he looks at you; his face was stoic as ever but his eyes held a warmth that was never directed to anybody else-- not even Sucrose who stays by his side more than you. But, you refused to return his feelings. It wasn't as if you didn't have any mutual feelings towards the alchemist, you just thought it would be fun to act dumb. You want to see more from him; you want to see him grow more annoyed at every of his failed attempts to court you.

"I suddenly thought of you. Don't you think it suits you?" He turns to stare at you with his cerulean eyes, showing you that same glimmer filled with hearts. It was one of his many approaches. You laughed, dismissing his way to flirt with you. It's cute, really. "You speak as if I'm dead." Ah, there you go again. His eyes narrow slightly and something that looked like disappointment flash in his eyes before he returned to his stone-faced look.

"No, you aren't.." His eyes returned to the flower and then tossing it off to the side at random. "My apologies if it sounded that way." He walks deeper inside the ruin, leaving you to trail not too far from him. At this point, you weren't sure if you had saddened him but since you didn't know, you huffed a smile and followed quietly. Was he finally at his breaking point, upset that things always failed to go the way he wanted it to go with you?

If you want a straightforward answer, then it's yes.


"Are you sure you should be continuing to ignore his interactions?" Amber asks, sitting across you while both of you enjoy lunch at Good Hunter's. The Outrider had caught wind of the changes with the Chief Alchemist not too soon he started to boldly ask you out fo a meal in a more discreet way. "Hm? What do you mean?" you ask, feigning idiocy.

The brunette sighs. "You've seen how Sir Albedo looks at you, don't lie!" Amber says, taking a bite out of her sticky honey roast. You remained silent, watching her eat to a point that made her awkward. Was it time to throw in the towel and go along with his attempts? It has been prolonging for too long, after all. "Uh.. (Y/N)?" You blinked a couple of times before your attention was on the female.

You laughed. "Sorry, I don't understand what you mean." You gave a closed-eyed smile at the female. No, now is not the right time to kick the bucket just yet. If you did, you won't have the chances to look at his frustrated look when every time he fails and gets a laugh out of it. There is no fun in that. And you were one to be remembered by how much you seek fun and laughter out of things.

Amber stares at you defeatedly, brows slightly dipping. "Whatever you say.." You laughed. "Don't think about it too much and ruin your pretty little head. Just eat your food." You rested your face on the palm of your hand. Amber stares at you, raising a brow before returning her energy to munch on the food, quickly forgetting the conversation.

Afterwards, the Outrider had to separate from you, bidding you goodbye for now. You turned on your heels, presumably heading towards the headquarters. You hadn't seen Albedo at all today and wondered if he's out somewhere. You chuckled at the thought if whether or not he'd try his luck again but to only fail.

Unknowingly, the person of question approaches you from behind while your guard was down. You yelp as he grabs your shoulder and turn you around and backing you against a wall. It happened all too fast and it showed on your face, eyes wide as you comprehend what just happened.

You blinked twice and soon, your focus was on the alchemist, Albedo. He had one of his hand on the wall- besides your head- and stare at you with a tight lip. "Huh, Albedo? What do you--" "I like you." The word came out so easily that you weren't sure that you heard that right. Yeah, you know that he likes you but to boldly confess? You didn't expect that from a man like him.

"S, sorry, could you repeat that? I think I've--" "No, you haven't," he said, cutting you off once more. " I like you, (Y/N). And I know you're smart to have caught on so why are you dodging my attempts?" Oh boy, he really has become impatient. It was visible in his eyes that he wasn't going to try anymore.

Blood rushes to your face. "I, uh.." "Don't act dumb. Tell me whether or not you hold any feelings for me. If not, I will back away from you," he said in all seriousness. He couldn't continue playing chase anymore.

When you hadn't said anything in a reasonable amount of time, he sighs and turns on his heels, ready to walk away and forget ever courting you. When you realized this, you took his hand, stopping his and returning his attention to you, looking over his shoulder. "W, wait, I.." You avert your eyes to the side, not wanting him to leave and to never look at you the way you wanted ever again. "I, I like you too.." Finally, the words he wanted to hear from you finally left your tongue and made him smile.

You let go of his hand as he turns his whole body towards you. He then cups your face between his hands and brought your foreheads together, forcing you to look at him. Heat rushes to your face by ten folds at the closeness. "I'm happy to hear that."


This is the first Albedo oneshot, yeah?? Yay!

Thank you so much for requesting! I hope you enjoyed this. ^^


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