║Venti║ Messing Around

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This is requested by Boo-BitchImAGhost! Thank you for the request.

Based on the video "Aether & Lumine Messing Around".

Word count: 400+


You and the number one bard of Mondstadt have been at a sort of friendly fight with each other, making it impossible to let your guard down. If that were to happen, then the other would definitely do something. And if one were to attempt, then the other surely would do the same at a later time.

Making your way up to the highest point of Starsnatch cliff, you see Venti sitting on the grass, playing his lyre as the wind imitates his playing and humming. He looked so at peace and off guard that you took this as a chance to get back at him for his previous attempt of tickling you. Snickering, you silent made your approach from behind, and once at arms reach, you jumped on him and bit his shoulder hard, earning a yelp of surprise and pain.

"(Y-Y/N)!?" Venti holds on to his shoulder and stares at you with widened eyes. You pulled away and giggled. "Hehe, one point for me," you say, sticking out your tongue as you did the peace sign. It took the bard a while to process and realize what you meant before shooting back, "I'm going to get you next time, so don't you dare put your guard down."

You chuckled and rolled your eyes. "I'm not one to easily put my guard down like you, Venti," you say and made your sitting more comfortable beside him. He took one more glance and started playing his lyre again while humming a tune of old.

The melody was soothing and it made you drowsy. It didn't help that the wind was slowly brushing your eyelids to make it heavy, so when you gave up on trying to stay awake, you lay your head on the grass, using an arm as a pillow. It was truly a peaceful afternoon. Or so you thought.

Once the playing had stopped, you opened an eye to stare at the bard who was staring back at you. Your guard was down from the playing to know of what's to come next. Then, with a cheeky smile and giggle from him, he attacked you on the same spot you had bitten him on his shoulder. However, instead of a yelp, a moan came out of your mouth and the two of you stopped breathing for a while.

You shot up from the grass and the two of you just sat there in pure horror and awkwardness. Then, "I- it's not fair!" Venti stammers, avoiding your face entirely.

It surely was an awkward day for both of you.


It's short since the video didn't have anything else to go with.

Thank you so much for requesting! Hope this satisfies you. ^^


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