║Childe║ I Love You

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This is requested by Fischls_wife! Thank you so much for requesting.

It said "fluff/angst". I don't know what that means. Do I choose one or both? Surprise?

Word count: 600+


It has been many years since your first encounter together. At that time, you two were young and did not know what it meant to love another outside of your family.

When you two first met, he used to go by Ajax. You two bicker like the children you were. But when he suddenly disappeared to only the Divine knows, you feared that you would never see him again. Such was a heartache, but didn't quite love him. Again, you were young.

When he came back, you felt relieved. You prayed every night that he was safe and would return safe. However, he came back as a different person. He was a monster feared by the people he used to call neighbours, but you did not turn away like the others. You stood by his side. He was grateful for that and showed you the treatment you deserved in doing so.

It was then that you realized, that you have fallen for the once young boy. And so, you continued to stay. No matter what may lie ahead the two of you- be it an obstacle- you two would get through it together.

Fast forward to when he was eighteen and made up the last of the eleven Fatui Harbingers, he confessed his feelings. It was a joyful moment and wondered how much wonderful it would be when he asks your hand in marriage.

At that moment, you vowed to yourself that even though he was a monster in the eyes of others, you would love him all the same and welcome him to your home with open arms. If he was to go through something, you would be there by his side. If he was feeling down, you would be there to cheer him up.

Such was a beautiful story to tell.


"Ajax?" you called. He hums in response, pressing your back closer to his chest, resting his chin on top of your head. "Do you remember the day you proposed to me?"

He hums again. "I do," he said afterwards. "It was months ago, yet I still remember the feeling of the sun at that day," you continued. "It was warm.. Nothing that I have ever felt before."

Ajax listened to you quietly and let you play with the ring that wrapped nicely around his finger. An engagement ring.

You smiled at the ring, wishing that it was a marriage ring instead. It was silent until you spoke again. Today, the sun shone brightly through the window like that day, warming your home. It was a perfect day. However..

"Ajax?" you call his name once again and this time, you turned your head to look at him. Today, you seemed to talk endlessly but he does not care, wanting nothing more than to hear your voice as he dwells in your comfort.

"I love you." You smiled, closing your eyes. Ajax felt himself on the verge of crying, but he told himself that he should stay strong and give you this eternal moment full of happiness.

You looked like an angel underneath the sunlight. Ethereal.

"I love you too," he says back. He wraps his arms around your torso tightly and buries his head in the crook of your neck. "I love you so much, Ajax." You move your hands over his, repeating the words he would later long to hear.

He dares not speak, afraid that if he does, it would come out croaked and give away the hint of sadness, although his shaking shoulders goes unnoticed by you.

You sighed, the smile not once wavering as you leaned into his warm embrace-- not that you could even feel the warmth.

"Once I wake up.." you spoke, eyes feeling heavy as the light in them starts to dim. "Let's get married."


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