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Word count: 1k


It was a secret and a secret shall it stay.

The sixth Harbinger is harsh, cruel, cold, and sadistic. That is the image he painted for himself so if he were to be caught dead with a lover, what would come to the reputation he built up himself? He is not one to show kind emotions towards any of his subordinates so he shouldn't be lenient with you.

"Are you mocking me?" Scaramouche snaps at one of his subordinates, looking down at the underling as if they were the most disgusting thing he has ever saw. "N, no, I'm not, my lord.. I spoke out of turn," they stammer, feeling humiliated as he is being scolded in front of you and other Fatui members.

No one spoke up, forced to watch the scene before you unfold. He was scary, you admit, but there was a charm to him that drew you in-- a charm that no one else but you know. "Tut. I have no time for pests like you," Scaramouche snarls. "Leave my sight."

"B, but, my lord, the Tsaritsa--" "I don't care what the Tsaritsa ordered you. I don't want you here." His eyes reflected his tone; harsh. "If you want to live, then you best not make me angry."

The underling quickly left, but not before paying respect to his superior out of fear, and to never return to his ruling. Once gone from sight, Scaramouche's expression fell to a relax one. "All of you.. Just go. I can't deal with this." He sighs, massaging his temples.

His subordinates turn to leave, not daring to say anything more to upset him-- unless they had a death wish or something. With one more glance at the Harbinger, you turn to leave. However, you were stopped by his commanding voice. "You stay. I have things to talk to you about," he beckons you back.

You could feel the uneasy stares you're receiving from the other Fatui underlings, but did not dare wait to find out what sort of bullying you'll receive.

Once gone from sight, Scaramouche sat on a fairly large rock and sighed, using his arms as support to lean back. "Damn those pests. All they are good for is being stupid," he states to no one in particular, closing his eyes.

You stood there, observing the short male silently. Then, "What are you doing just standing there?" he asks, his deep coloured eyes reflecting off of yours. He pats the empty space beside him, silently ordering you to come sit.

Once you did, he rested his head on your lap, hat off on the ground. "You're not going to ask for permission?" you joked, gone was your silent and diligent persona now that there was no one else around. "Shut up.." he mumbles, but after a while, he asks, "You don't mind, right?"

You chuckled. "Not at all," you answered, putting a hand on his head. "Good." Your hands began to move on his head, stroking his soft, indigo hair. He sighs to your touch and feel his shoulders relax.

Enjoying the silence, you thought back to when you were a fresh recruit that was assigned under his ruling. You were scared, honestly, when you heard other Fatui underlings whisper how cruel he was to his subordinates-- even going as far as to leave physical scars on their body.

However, you could say that you have gotten the shorty's amusement and even his heart. It was strange when he first approached you on your day away from him-- who knew he could be infatuated to a weaker person than he was? Well, none of that matter now. All you need to know- and he'll remind you again- was that you were his.

Honestly, you wished that you two could leave the Fatui and abandon your duties as a member, but you knew that Scaramouche seeks something that only the Tsaritsa could offer and wouldn't give it up for the world.

"Hey, why did you stop?" he asks, upset that you stopped stroking his head. "Oh, sorry.. I didn't realise I did," you chuckled. He huffs, but relaxed once again under your touch, closing his eyes as he does.

"Hey," he calls shortly after silence. "I'm not 'hey', Scara," you jokingly reply. He clicked his tongue at your one sided humour. "Whatever. Uh, could you.. Uh.." he trails, the words after the dying on his tongue.

"Hm? What was that, Scara?" You look down at the Harbinger, seeing his cheeks slightly tinged with pink. "C, could you, uhm.." The dusted pink began to brighten up, visible to you that you are sure that the light isn't pulling any tricks.

His eyes averts to somewhere else as he tries to speak. "Can you.. Tell me those words..?" he finally mumbles out. You blinked a couple times, registering his words but coming up empty. "Huh? What words?" you ask, hoping he'd answer.

"Y, you know.. The one where you.." He pauses, his face warm and tingly from the blood rushing to his face. "Like me..?" he whispers. It was barely audible, but you heard it.

Your lips cracked into a smile and you cackled. Who knew that he could be so cute? You laughed so hard that tears were forming at the corner of your eyes. "H, hey!" Scaramouche's face turned a deeper red, feeling embarrassed and wishing that he didn't say anything at all.

He clicks his tongue and turn on his side to face away from you. "Hey, hey, don't turn away from me," you out a hand on his shoulder, trying to budge him to turn him onto his back again

Your laughter now dying out, you stare at the shorty's side profile. Knowing that he won't look at you, you catch him by surprise by placing a kiss on his cheeks. And finally, he turns, face flushed as he touches his cheek. "I love you, Scara." You gave a close-eyed smile. His heart fluttered, but he wouldn't say that out loud-- not even in a million years.

Still having him lie on his back, he averts his eyes once more. ".. I, I know that.." Chuckling, you leaned closer to his face and instead of a kiss on his cheeks, you placed your lips onto his, catching him suprised yet again.

Scaramouche stares at you blankly, the wheels turning in his head visibly represented by his expression. You grin, making a small comment, "You're such a tsundere."


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