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This is requested by me as a gift to you.


Word count: 1.1k


Even though he appeared as the cruel and scary Sixth Harbinger, it wasn't all that hard for you to get close to him- seeing as your opposite attracted him to you out of pure curiosity. At first, you were indeed a tad bit scared when you bumped into him as he had a scary aura with a face to match it. Even the following encounters with him were not the best of memories-- putting a knife to your throat was not a nice experience.

In truth, you don't even know how you got inside his walls of thorns and is now hanging out with him as if the encounters didn't happen like it did. Well, that was a long time ago and now, you two were on a more intimate level than friendship.

"Why won't you let me see him?" you ask, pointing towards a closed door as your brows furrowed. You went to visit him at the inn he stays at in Inazuma a couple of times now, but any and all attempts to see him were turned down by one of his subordinates. It has gotten to the point where you began to show how much you were upset. "I'm sorry, but Master Scaramouche ordered us to tell everyone who comes to see him to leave."

"I'm his lover. Can't you just let me take a peek inside?" you ask, growing more irritated the longer you stood outside his room. The Fatui underling shook their head. "I'm sorry. Master Scaramouche has specifically ordered that you are to not step inside."

Your face fumed a shade of red. "Tell him to come outside if he doesn't want me to go in then! He has locked himself up for a week now!" you raised your voice to the unwavering underling. "I'm really sorry. But even we were told not to disturb him."

Day and night, the Fatui would guard his door while he locks himself up in a dark room. You don't know if he has eaten at all.

Taking a deep breath, you decided to go with Plan B, seeing as the underling was strong in their stands to stop you. You turned around and walk a couple steps away from the door before quickly rushing back and attacking the underling, knocking them out with a thud. "I'm sorry, but I need to have a chat with Scaramouche," you quickly say to the Fatui.

Opening the door without making a creaking sound, you were greeted with a dark room. The furniture inside were outlined with the only light source-- the light from outside. You strain your eyes inside and could vaguely see a silhouette of a man. "Scaramouche?"

The silhouette flinches at his name, quickly getting on his feet. "(Y/N)? How did you get in? Those worthless.." "I knocked the one outside, sorry," you add, hoping that it would save the poor subordinate's life.

"Just go." His voice was harsh, but you stayed unwavering in the dark. "No. I haven't seen you at all and I'm getting worried about your health," you said, feeling the wall beside you for the light switch. "There's no need to worry about me so just go."

Dismissing his words, you continued to feel the wall until you finally found it. "Aha!" With that, you clicked the switch. Smiling, you turned to look at Scaramouche, but that soon fell when you had taken a look at him, eyes wide and full of shock.

In front of you, stood the same Scaramouche that you knew, but with a slight difference; he had cat ears. "Scara, I.." You were at a lost for words, flabbergasted by the two furry things on his head. His face was showed embarrassment with deep dusted red on his cheeks. He adverts his eyes to the ground, not wanting to look at your silly expression. "I told you to go.." he mumbles quietly, no longer were there harshness in his tone.

You two stood there quietly; one with embarrassment and one with wide eyes. "Hey, if you're gonna laugh, just do it already and leave," he snap, eyes still glued on the ground.

You were surprised at his words, but that was replaced with a smile, walking closer to the Harbinger and stopping at his foot, but not before closing the door behind you. He moves his head up to look at you, confusion written on his face.

Looking at his cat ears one more time, you place a hand on top of his head, looking at him with an earnest smile. You watched as his face turned red again, your smile growing wider. "Y, you.. W, what are you doing?" he asks.

You chuckled, not answering his question and instead, stroke his head. This only made Scaramouche's warm face even hotter. "H, hey..!" You hushed him, giving him a close-eyed smile.

Giving into your wishes, he closes his eyes and allows you to pat his head. He admits, he quite like the warm feeling on his head, but he would never say that out loud. However, that one thought betrayed him as a low and quiet purr leaves him. And to make things more worse for him, the room was still so the purr was quite loud enough for you to hear.

You two stare at each other, both of your eyes widened at the surprisingly cute sound. "I..!!" Scaramouche stammers, words dying out in him. You quickly regained your composure, your smile returning to your lips. "Do you want a hug?" you ask. Hesitantly, Scaramouche answers by nodding his head, wishing that a meator fell on him at this point.

You two got comfortable underneath the blankets, Scaramouche resting on top of you as you continue to stroke his head. You notice that he also has a tail to match his ears which you found adorable. His arms wraps around your waist and his tail wrapped around one of your legs.

"Is this why you locked yourself up for a week?" you ask softly. He subtly nods, burying his head deeper in order to hide his face. "If that's the case, there was no need to hide." You chuckled at his childish gesture.

"I wouldn't be caught dead with these things by a subordinate," he mutters. You laugh, a smile so wide that it could hurt. "How did you get them?" He was quiet for a few seconds before answering you. "It doesn't matter.. Can we not talk about this?"

"Well, they are very cute. I kinda want it to be permanent," you state in a joking manner. "Shut up.." he snaps quietly. You feel him growing tired under your touch. He was enjoying this and you knew, although he wasn't going to confess anytime soon.

You kissed the crown of his head, hearing light snores coming from the male. "Sleep tight, Scara."


I like to think that even if Scaramouche appears cruel, he has a soft and cute side and that's adorable!!


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