Part 5. [Jess]

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The school theater was amazing but we didn't do too much there since there was literally no one there.

We passed by McDonald's to get our lunch and we later walked back to our dorm and we found some men throwing out our stuff and putting in some new stuff.

"OMG, who ordered a house makeover?" Dan gleefully asked us.

"I didn't," Kat and Pat answered in unison and looked at me like they were waiting for me to say I did.

"Um what the hell is going on here?" I asked one of the men.

" The school administration asked us to move out these things for the original owner to move in," he replied.

"Um first of all we are the original owners and we have been here since the year begun," I state.

"Um that's not what this form says," he says as he shows me a form which I grab from his hand.

On the form one name stands out for me, the name made my skin crawl, it made my brain itch, it made my blood burn and my body burn.

" Who is it?" Kat asks me but I don't have time to answer so I rushed to the third year boys dorm area with the others running after me.


"Collin, get your twerpy ass here," I yelled at him who was standing on some quadrangle surrounded by other unimportant people.

"What do you want to do to it?" He teased making every one around laugh.

"What the fuck is this?" I ask while waving around the paper and throwing it at him like an idiot then remembering that papers don't have a throwing weight.

"Ohh this," he says after his friends pick up the paper and give it to him.

"Oh Collin, I have admired you since I saw you, can you please fuck me, oh you little fairy, sorry but I'm not interested," he lied as he pretended that he was reading a love letter making everyone laugh again.

"You twerp get serious," I snap.

"Okay okay, I will not embarrass you in public,"He kept teasing me only making me more mad.

"Okay fine, that's what you get for hitting me," he finally admits.

I had enough, my blood had boiled enough so I rushed and pounced on him pushing us back into a pile of boxes.

"What's your fucking problem?" Collin yelled as he removed the boxes off him.

"You," I snap back.

"Collin are you guys okay, what happened here?" Zane and some other third year students arrived on the scene.

"This crazy fairy is trying to get my dick," Collin yells.

"Shut up and stop being a baby," I snap back.

"What's going on here?" Dominic asks my friends.

"Well, we also don't know, ask him," Dan says.

"This twerp stole our dorm room," I state as I glare at Collin.

"Seriously bro, you don't need all that space," Zane says to him.

"Shut up, this fairy was being a bitch to me," Collin replies as he stares at me.

"I'm so sorry, you can have our dorm," Zane offers.

"No its fine, we shall find a way," I say and leave as I stare daggers at Collin.


"Okay gurl, where are we gonna sleep?" Dan asked me.

"Yeah, you should have taken him up on his offer," Pat added.

"Look I don't know what to do, I won't lie coz I seriously have no plan but we can at least try to find another dorm room.

"Like with who?"Kat asked.

"Well let's try that nerdy girl," I suggested.

"I'm going home," Kat said.

"Me too," Dan and Pat agreed.

"Wait, but I live far away from here," I pointed out.

" Okay, y'all can crash at my place since, well my parents are never around," Kat said.

"Great idea, and who needs that crappy dorm anyway," I state making them all freeze and glare at me.

"We needed that crappy dorm," Dan corrects me.


Okay the dorm was nice but not as nice as Kat's house, she was right, her parents were never around and surprisingly okay with us staying around.

We had eaten enough food for our supper and we where ready to binge the neighborhood (What can I say, I'm addicted to that series).

In the middle my phone starts to ring and I see that it's an unknown number so I ignore it.

Later after everyone falls asleep my phone rings again so I pick it up and go out to answer it.

Me: who is this.

Stranger: it's Zane, Collin's

Me: I know who you are, what I
       don't know is why you are
       calling me, I said I don't want
       anything you have to offer.

Zane: Sure, I'm only calling to

Me: you already did that.

Zane: well there is no problem in
           doing it the second time.

Me:  okay fine.

Zane: now that you have forgiven
           me, can you come for a

Me: not unless I bring my friends.

Zane:  fine, but Sam and Silver
           already want them there.

Me: okay fine.

Zane: I l.......

I hung up with too much excitement and went to bed.

I couldn't believe that we where going to our first party, with third year students.

God I want to die.

This week can't go any faster.

Sorry this chapter is short, I had to keep the surprises for the next chapter to make the story interesting. LOL.

Please comment and vote if you're enjoying the story so far and sorry for pushing the smut far deep in the story, just be patient my smut lovers (wink wink).

Love y'all.

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