Part 15 [Pat]

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Since Dan, Kat and Steve had left for the Valentine's party the dorm room was boring and silent.

"I want to go and find out more about Felix," Jess blurted out.

"Why don't you let it go, he doesn't like you and Kat said that Toni told her that we should stay away from him," I added.

"Well I don't care," Jess stated as he put on his jacket and walked out with me following him.


We got to Toni's dorm room and found her sitting in her living room in her pj's eating chips and chocolate pudding (eiiik).

"Hey, I was starting to think you guys wouldn't show up tonight," she said as Jess shut the door.

"Where is Dan, I told him to come tonight?" She asked.

"Dan said that you must have been tricking him so he went with Kat," I answered.

"Where is Felix?" Jess asked.

"Well, when I told him that you guys were coming over he decided to go for the party," she answered.

"Ohh," Jess sighed.

"Well, at least we are here now so let's have some fun," I stated trying to provide a positive environment.

"Okay," Toni said as she jumped to her feet.


We took a lot of drinks and really had a lot of fun and we got to learn that Toni is a really fun person.

"Wooooohooo, hey hey guys, who wants to do something crazy?" Jess asked as he jumped up and down from the sofa.

"Meeeeeeeeeee," Toni and I shouted in unison and I tripped on a sofa cushion and fell on my ass. OWWI.

Jess smiled sheepishly and went to the speaker and started playing some music and begun dancing wildly and we also joined him.

"Hey, wanna know something crazy?" Toni asked drunkly as she drunkly stumbled onto the ground.

"Pleeeeaaaaase let it be about Felix," Jess begged.

"Okay, listen closely," Toni said as Jess squealed with excitement.

"So, Felix's parents got mixed up with some bad bad people and they borrowed money which they couldn't pay so they went into hiding but they were found later and his dad, mom and big brother were killed leaving him with his sister alone but they also found her and shot her so now she is in the hospital."

I was out of words to say and I could tell that Jess was out too since his mouth kept open the whole time.

"So his life is really f**keep up," Jess said as he sat down slowly as if still trying to unfold everything.

"Yes and that's why I said that you should stay away from him," Toni reminded us.

"Bad thing we shall not remember this tommorow morning," I pointed out remembering how drunk we are.

"I will," Jess assured me," I am not actually drunk."

He stood up and started pacing the room mumbling words to himself as Toni passed out on the couch and I getting dizzy trying to keep up with Jess walking up and down.

Just then the door opened with Felix coming through and pausing when him and Jess's eyes meet.

"Um, what are you still doing here?" Felix asked.

"Um, we had plans with Toni," Jess said as he crossed his hands around his chest.

"Well, what happened later?" Felix asked as he looked at a passed out Toni on the couch.

"Well, she passed out," I answered.

"Why?" Felix asked as he got worked up.

"Well, we kind of got her drunk," I answered.

"Whaaaat, I knew that hanging out with you guys was a bad idea," Felix yelled at us as he rushed to Toni's side and held her hand slowly caressing it like that was the solution to wake her up.

"What do you mean bad idea?" I asked him.

"Well she was a drunk addict and now she is sober for two years, well, was sober all thanks to you two idiots," Felix yelled.

"Idiots?" Jess asked as a wave of surprise and disbelief washed across his face.

"Yes, you heard me," Felix yelled with his back still facing us and front facing passed out Toni.

"We didn't do anything wrong on purpose, it was an accident," I state trying to calm the situation.

"Why don't you shut up and get the fuck out of my house,"Felix yelled at us again.

"Oh my God, you shut up, it's not like we are the people who killed your parents......," Jess stopped mid-sentence and Felix froze in his movements too.

" did you?" Felix mumbled as he slowly put down Toni's hand and he rose to his feet but still didn't face us.

"How did we what?" Jess asked him emotionlessly.

"How did you know, who told you?" Felix asked as his voice got more and more silent with each word that came out of his mouth.

"Who told me what?" Jess asked him sarcastically.

"Stop playing with me, I know that someone told you so tell me now who is it that told you?" Felix asked as he turned to reveal  his red eyes with tears flowing down his cheeks.

"Ohhhhh, now your crying, well boo-hoo, you know what, it's a good thing by the way that your now alone in the world, it will give you time to think of the monster you are," Jess said to him and the coldness in his voice could really show me that he was really hurt by Felix but he was just trying to hide his emotions

"I'm sure he doesn't mean that," I try to comfort Felix but he just glared at me so I also left before he killed me.


"What was that about?" I asked Jess as we approached Steve's dorm room.

"I don't wanna talk about it," he replied.

"Come on, Felix is........"

"I said I don't wanna talk about it."

He slammed into the door to find Steve and some other guy making out on the couch.

"Um hey guys, um this is Andy," Steve introduced us to his friend.

"Well, where are Kat and Dan?" Jess asked.

"I thought they were with you?" Steve asked us.

Then the door opened and Dan walked in with his face red and his torn clothes in his hands.....

Dun dun dunnnnn.

Sorry for spending a long time with out updating, our internet was cut off and not to bother you with my business so let's move forward..

Just wanna say I really love that you have reached this far in the book and I'd love to hear your opinions (in comments btw) and you can chat too if you want, either here or on Instagram. (Mikki-majesty)

Love y'all.

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🙄 Cliche I know.
I just love y'all too much


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