Part 17 [Jess]

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The whole week, Dan and Kat stayed in the dorm room and didn't go to class and I was super worried about them.

"Hey," a husky farmiliar voice calls out to me.

"Oh, hey Felix, why are you suddenly talking to me?"

Felix gritted his teeth and closed his eyes as if he was holding in his anger.


"It's about the night of the party," he said.

"Ohh, what about it?" I ask him pretending like I don't really remember our fight.

"Well, I just want to say that I'm sorry, I shouldn't have yelled at you like I did and I'm really sorry," he said.

"Well, I know this is the part where I say I'm sorry too but we both know that your the one who is in wrong, so apology accepted," I said and walked away.

"What happened to you?" He yelled making me stop in my tracks.

I turned back and walked back to him.

We where in the hallway BTW.

"What?" I asked him confused.

"You keep asking me what happened to me, well, now I have to ask you the same question?" He said as he crossed his arms.

"I know what you asked I just need you to explain why your asking me that question?" I state as I hold my waist.

"Well, I mean like you never used to be this rude?" Felix said as he put his hands in his pockets and stared at the ceiling to distract himself.

"Your right, I used to be kind but guess what, you happened," I admitted.

"What do you mean' I happened ' ?"

"I mean after you fooling me into thinking you like me and letting you use me."

"I didn't use you, your the one who wanted to be used."

I lost my breath at the last statement he said, then everything blacked out, how could he say such a thing to me?

I snapped back to reality when I noticed that the hallway was quiet as they watched me waiting for my reply and I could see some guys snickering as the rest of them whispered something into their friends ears.

I stormed out of the hallway leaving him standing there calling me as people where giggling.

Yeah yeah, I know what y'all are thinking,
1. I should have dissed him there and then.

2. I think should have stayed home with Kat and Dan.


"Hey Jess,"  another familiar voice called out to me.

I turned to see some guy who I knew that I had seen him before but I couldn't place him anywhere in particular.

"It's me Zane?" He reminded me.

"Ohhh, I knew who you are," I lied and he smirked.

"So, people are going to the conference Hall to pick up their party cards," he said as he sat next to me.


"Sorry, I was just tryna remind you," he said as his face dropped.

I wondered how a guy who is three classes ahead of me be this shy.

"Thanks for the reminder, l" I told him," mind to escort me?"

"Sure," he stated as he got to his feet,"I don't mind."


Zane escorted me to the hallway and we found literally the whole school had packed up there, picking their party cards, as some stood in the corners talking amongst themselves.

I spotted Felix standing in the corner opposite the doors holding Toni's shoulder as she leaned on him.

"Hey Toni," I greeted as I walked over to them.

"Hey," she replied as Felix held her hand tightly like I was going to steal her from him.

"I just came to say I'm sorry for last night, I should have got you drunk," I apologized.

"It's alright," she replied.

"Yes, but learn your lesson so that next time you don't do it again," Felix butted in.

"Good that everything is alright, well, since that's all, bye," I say and leave completely ignoring Felix.


Zane escorts me to pick up my card and just then there is a loud noise in the center of the conference Hall making all of us turn to see what is going on.

Collin stands on top of a table with a mic in his hands and everyone crowds around him like he is about to have a concert.

I have a bad feeling about this. (J.S.Y.K).

"I just want all of you to know that, I am in love with Jess Johnson," he blurts out and the whole crowd turned to look at me.

Yeah, I should have definitely stayed at home.

"Like what the fuck?"


J.S.Y.K means, Just So You Know.

Love y'all,
Also please don't forget to vote and comment.


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