Part 13 [Jess]

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Ring ring

"Who is this?"

"It's Felix."


"How may I help you?"

"Um your friend is acting weird."

"Ohhh God, we shall be there soon."

Kat, Dan and I hurried up to go to the sick bay to find Pat trembling as Toni and the nurse comforted him.

"What happened?" I asked Felix who kept silent as a rock.

"Come on, with what is going on how can you still hold a grudge, what are you even mad about that makes you not talk to me?" I snap at him making everyone pause and look at me.

Felix just walks out in silence.

"I'll fix it," I say as I follow him.

I find him standing next to the fountain with his hands in his pockets.

"Are you trying to make a wish?" I ask him but he still keeps silent.

"Well I am and I wish that you talk to me," I continue as I throw my phone into the fountain instead of the coin in my left hand, I later realise my mistake and without thinking I dive into the fountain and search for my phone.

"Still clumsy as before," Felix says.

"And your still as sexy as before," I joke but Felix is not phased.

"What's your deal?" I ask him.

"I'm dealing with a lot right now okay, I need space," he stated and turned to leave.

"Space??, The Felix who I remembered did not care about space," I point out.

"Well I don't know that Felix anyway," he replies and starts to walk away.

"You mean the Felix who took my virginity," I state making him stop in his tracks.

Since he is silent I continue,"and the Felix who played my sister and I, the Felix who smoked and took weed even when I told him it was going to kill him, the Felix I loved and he told me he loved me just to get me to sleep with him, is that the Felix you don't remember?"

He still kept silent with his back facing me.

"Because he's the one I do, and to th......."

"Will you shut up already!" He yells turning to face me.

I could see the anger in his eyes and I knew he was mad at me, for what reason I didn't know and he wasn't telling me. But no, it was supposed to be me mad at him not the other way around, after all he did to me, I was the one who should be giving him the silent treatment as he begs for me to talk to him.

"You know what, forget it, I can't deal with you, I had hope in you, I trusted you, I loved you and you just used me," I stated trying to hold my emotions," I hope your happy, and I would say that Toni is a lucky girl but I don't like to lie so I'll just say I hope and pray she gets what is coming for her."

I stand there waiting for his response but he just keeps silent.

This is the part where he starts to apologise and try to win me back.

"Cool," he says and walks away.

My blood boils.

I was such a fool to think he would get what was happening here.

I walk back to the sick bay to find Toni gone and apparently Kat had worn her down and they were now bff's so they went out for coffee and Dan escorted them, what a weird world.

"So anything on Felix?" I ask Pat.

"Not much, just that he has a girlfriend in hospital and Toni knows about her too and she is okay with it."

"Nothing else?"


Justin walked in with two coffee cups and a great big smile alongside Collin.

"What are you doing here?" Pat asks them.

"What do you mean 'doing here', yesterday you said that you were ready to forgive me and so I brought you coffee and Collin to apologise to you," Justin replied as he put down the coffee on the table next to the bed.

"When...why would I....wait...are you the voice I was trying to ignore?" Pat asked him.

"I don't know what your talking about, all I know is, I came by, apologised and you said okay so I thought we were cool,"Justin replied.

"No we are not cool and we'll never be cool and by the way I wasn't listening to you I was distracted by sometime that's actually important to me," Pat stated and Justin's smile disappeared.

"Well I'm sorry again," he said as he picked up the coffee.

"I'm sorry too," Collin said as he came closer to me.

"Apologise to Pat," I tell him.

"But it wasn't my fault, if he hadn't provoked Tyler, none of this would have happened," Collin defended himself like the idiot he is.

"Can I see that?" I pick up a cup from Justin's hand.

"Owww, what was that for!!!!!!!!" Collin yells as coffee drips down his clothes and steam floats above his chest area.

"That's what happens to douchebags like you," I state and then walk out.

"Come on, please wait and listen," Collin yells as he follows me out.

"I promise, I'd never hurt you again, the truth is, I called you there because I wanted to tell my friends that I liked you but instead Pat showed up and ruined my plan and he got into a fight with Tyler and that's was what happened,"he said as he fanned himself.

TBH, the coffee was hot.

"Look, I'm sorry for the coffee but we are never going to happen," I break it to him and I hurry and leave him standing there puzzled and broken.


I get to Steve's dorm room and find everyone there already waiting for me.

"So Toni told me that Felix has some real family issues," Kat started.

"Aren't we going to wait for Pat?" I asked.

"We called and filled him in," Dan answered.

"So I'm the last to know,"I state.

"Yes now sit and let them explain," Steve said and I obeyed him.

"So Felix's family was murdered and one of them is still in the hospital, and Toni also told me that he is being hunted for since he is the last one of the family," Kat said completely putting me into shock.

"What about the disappearing and showing up three years later?" I asked her.

"Well Toni said that, the stress of his family made him start doing the drugs and he really did get into a comma and when he came out he spent the rest of the time trying to get better and it was hard for him."

"So he has family issues huh?" I asked after a long pause.

"Yes, like if you know you die kind of issues, so stay away from him," Kat sounded serious.

What the fuck was going on

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