Part 12 [Pat]

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I reached the door to Collin's frat house and when I get inside there is no one there but someone on my way back tells me that Collin must be in the field so that's where I head.

I find him smoking and drinking with his friends as usual and I call him but I keep my distance from the group and the smoke plus beer stench.

"What are you doing here?" He asks me.

"I'm here to fill in for Jess," I reply.

"No I wanted Jess here not you," he said.

"Hey, what is this fag doing here?" One of the twerps asks.

"Who are you calling a fag you twerp?" I ask him trying to be intimidating like Jess.

"I'm calling you a fag, hey guys come check this guy out, he thinks he can talk back to me,"the twerp says as he invites his friends to surround me.

"Hey let's teach him," one of them yells.

I took a quick glance around and noticed that I was completely surrounded and that some of the twerps weren't even going to our school, they were outsiders.

"And that's all I remember," I tell Dan," and later I must have blacked out."

"Well it's good your still living," Dan tries to comfort me.

"Where is Jess and Kat?" I ask him.

"They went to confront Collin," he replied," but don't worry about them, you should get some rest."

I shut my eyes but all I could hear were the guys beating me up and calling me all kinds of names and then I started to see the flashback images of their smug looks, I could also hear their giggles, sneers and jeers.

One thing that hurts me the most is that I was alone, I yelled and no one came, I stare at Collin who is just standing there watching me get pounded onto the ground.

I yell for help but no one comes, I even start sobbing, "is this it?", I ask myself.

I collect every ounce of air in my lungs and scream for help but no one comes and then I feel a really sharp pain course through my body and then my something grabs my hand snapping me out of my nightmare.

I turn to see Justin standing by my side holding my arm so I quickly break free from his grasp.

"Come on, please talk to me, fine I accept that I acted rationally by attacking Silver but at least talk to me," he says as he clings to my bed.

"Look at me, do I look like I'm in the mood for a heart to heart with you?" I snap at him.

"No and you're not telling me either, come on," he begs as he reaches out for my hand but I pull away.

"Ask him," I state as I glare at Collin who just casually walks in the room and stands next to Justin.

"Collin, what's going on?" He asks him as he turns his back to me.

"I don't know what he is talking about," Collin lies.

"See, he doesn't know, now can you tell me please," Justin says as he turns to me.

"Collin happened, him and his little twerps happened, they beat me up yesterday," I state.

"Is this true?" Justin asks him.

"No it's not, I told you that last night I was at the party with Todd, I think this guy must have been hit in the head badly," Collin lied as he grinned at me when Justin wasn't looking.

"There he is, what the hell do you think you are doing here your imp," Kat yelled as she got into the room and walked straight for Collin only to be stopped by Dan.

"What's going on here?" Justin asked.

"Can't you see these guys are being crazy," Collin lied.

"You know what, I think you should leave," Jess stated and both Collin and Justin left.

"I can't believe that Collin would do that to you and even pretend he didn't know what happened," Jess said with his hands crossed.

"Ohh look, the witch approaches," Kat says as she looks out the door and sees Toni and Felix walk into the sick bay.

"What are they doing he......everyone act cool," Jess states as they pass by us completely ignoring our presence.

"I have an idea, since Toni is being admitted here too, you can help us tap into their conversations and help us get some information on Felix," Kat suggests, "they won't even know we are here.

"Oh hey guys, never saw you there," Toni waves at us.

"Don't mind us, we were just visiting our friend who just got beaten up so badly so we, being good friends and great people brought him here," Jess said loudly trying to get Felix's attention.

"Come on honey, they have done a selfless job, appreciate them," Toni said to Felix not noticing Jess's intention.

"I guess they did alright," Felix said in his sexy husky voice.

TBH , I would have sex and bare kids with his voice and they would also be little husky voices.

"I'm sorry for what happened, can you tell me everything,"Toni said as she got onto my bed.

"Well, since we aren't going to talk tonight I'll go home," Felix told her.

"Nooooo, wait, Pat is really tired and the nurse said he needs his rest so nighty night Patty, now you and Mr Felix here can have your talks with no disturbances," Jess said to Toni and Felix as he shoved my head down and pulled the rest of the guys outside.

I pretended to set distracted in my book so I could here Toni and Felix talk.

"Hey, um we need to talk," a random voice said to me.

"So she is still in hospital?" Toni silently asked Felix.

"," The voice continued talking as I kept trying to focus on Felix and Toni.

"The doctors say that she has a fifty nine percentage of living,"Felix replied her.

"Are you even listening to me?" The male voice asked me.

"Anha, go ahead?" I say trying to shut them up.

"Okay, so..........," The voice continued.

"Any way I hope she is going to pass through," Toni said to Felix.

"I'm going to visit her soon, I really love her and I wouldn't want to miss any day without seeing her," Felix said to her.

Hold up, Felix loves some other  chick, and he could even tell Toni about it, are those two even a serious couple......

"Um so yes or no?" The annoying voice asks me.

"Yes," I say trying to shut it up.

"Okay cool, see you later," the voice never spoke again.

So back to Toni and Felix, are those two really dating, I mean they haven't even kissed yet and rumours said that she has a child with a guy from another school.

I had to get to the bottom of this.

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