Part 11. [Dan]

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"where are you guys?" I ask as I'm at the door to Steve's room.

"Um we are kinda busy, we are at Zane's apartment right now, can you wait," Kat yells at me.

Rude much

I hang up and open the door to find Steve and Justin sitting there on the couch.

"Hey," they greet me.

"Um, Pat doesn't want to talk to you," I state completely ignoring Justin's greeting.

"Hey I said I was sorry,"

"Who let you in by the way?" I asked.

"Um, he just came in a few minutes ago and I told him it was a bad idea but he still came in," Steve defended himself.

"Why is it a bad idea?" Justin asked as Steve and I glared at him,"It is because Pat is....."

"Pat is what?" Justin asked.

Just then Pat walked in with Silver holding his waist and they both freeze on noticing me standing there.

"It's not what it looks like," Pat quickly covers up.

"That's why it was a bad idea of you being here," Steve points out.

"Wait you knew that they where here doing this," I freak out.

"Of course he would come back to you, how could you allow him to do this to you?" Justin asked as he stared at Pat who was wallowing in his guilt.

"Shut up, this is none of your business," Silver yelled at back at him.

"Actually, Justin is right, you have no right to be here," I pitched in.

"Shut up you fags, this is none of your business," Silver yelled earning him a punch from Justin.

They both started flexing on the ground as sounds of blows and screams of pain filled the room.

"Stoooop!!!" Pat yelled then ran out of the room as Justin followed him.

"What's your problem?"I ask Silver who ignores me and completely and walks out.


"Well where have you been?" I ask Jess and Kat who are just arriving.

"Ohhh, Zane had invited us to his dorm but we came to get changed first and we later go and meet him,"Kat replied.

"Um guys, Collin's calling," Jess asked as he showed us his phone for us to see the caller ID.

"Answer it and find out what he is calling about," Kat said as she got closer as if to hear what was being said on the phone making Jess leave the room.

"So since we are sitting here with nothing to do let's discuss the Valentine's party," Kat said as she sat down on the couch.

"Well, since I'm dressing us let's wait and see what I bring to the table," I said.

To be honest, I had nothing prepared but they didn't need to know that.

"Okay so Collin said that he wants to meets me like right now," Jess said as he walked back in the room.

"What do you think he wants?"Kat asked.

"What are you going to do?" I added.

"Don't be dramatic, he probably wants to talk about the crush he has on you,"Pat states.

"Collin....crush.... impossible," Jess said.

"I have a bad feeling about this," I stated.

"Don't worry, I will help you, I'll go there to find out what is going on," Pat suggested.

"Well then, the rest of us are going to go to Zane's dorm and find out more about Felix,"Kat stated and we picked up and left.


Knock knock

"Um hey, I was waiting for you," Zane said as he opened the door to his dorm.

" are all the people in the third year dorms?" Jess asked.

"I don't know," Zane replied.

"So tell us about Felix," I stated completely being fed up of the staring.

"Um so after he went away from school he was admitted, well more like he called me and told me that he was in the hospital," Zane said.

We all gasped and stared at him signaling him to continue.

"Well, when we visited him in hospital, the doctor said that he had damaged lungs from the smoking and alcohol he used to take and that was all."

"Oh my God, that must have been scary, but why would he hide this?" I asked.

"Wait wait, you said that ' we visited ',who else was with you there?" Jess asked.

"Ohhh, Toni was there, and Felix chose her to take care of him since you know,"Zane said.

"We know what?" Jess asked.

"He is having family trouble that no one knows of, well except from Toni, those two are so close," Zane answered.

"Well since him and Toni are super close and she knows everything about him so we know our next move," Kat stated as she smirked at us.

"How can we get that witch to spill the beans and moreover how can we befriend her?" I ask completely knowing the stakes we would be losing.

"Leave it to me," Kat said as she tapped her chin like a super villain making an evil plan.

"Well, we have to leave," Jess says as he stands up and we follow him to the exit.

"Can't you guys stay a little longer?" Zane asked rushing behind us.

"Sorry but we have other issues at hand," I butt in.


On our way back Jess checked his phone which he had put in silent had many texts and missed calls from Collin.

"This scum should just let go," he said as he deleted the messages.

We opened the door to find a shocking experience there in our room, an unexpected sight was there in our room, well most likely Steve's room.

Steve sat there holding Pat who was literally bleeding out from all these different wounds and he had passed out.

"That's not right,"I say.

Like what the hell happened to him?


MEAN BOYS. [Trouble Comes In Three]حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن