Part 4. [Kat]

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"I'm going to kill those twerps," Jess yells as he storms out his room.

"I thought that you would be over that by morning,"Dan stated.

"I agree with Jess, if there where not all those people around I would totally attack that twerp,"I agreed.

"Derek, your boyfriend said that one of them was called Derek," Jess said as he placed the room.

"Their names don't matter, what matters is how to get revenge," I state making Jess stop in his tracks.

"We do need to revenge on him, Dan, Sam said that Derek was his brother, so maybe we can use it to our advantage," Jess says as he takes a seat like his planning something.

"Ok whatever your planning can wait, today is a Monday so can we hurry off to class," Pat suggests like the nerd he is.


I can literally bet that the whole hallway was staring at some girls near the lockers touching up their makeup and one was literally wearing the same jeans as Jess.

"Look guys, our competition is in front of us," Dan said as he stared at them.

"Let's go say hi," Pat suggested.

"Um, you don't play nice with the enemy," Jess stated.

"Look at how the boys are ogling them,"Dan states.

"Well, we are definitely going t.....," Jess stomped after he noticed the twerp group walking towards the girls group and they even started flirting together.

"Isn't it cute to see the school's popular groups coming together?"

We all turned to see a short plus sized girl standing behind us with glasses and straight brown hair, she was definitely a nerd.

"I'm sorry, hi, my name is Mandy," she said as she stretched her hand out to us.

The Glee in her voice was super creepy, like we were celebs to her yet we weren't.

"What do you want?" Jess asked straight forward.

"I noticed you guys in the hallway on Saturday and I just want to say I'm a huge fan of yours," she replied.

I could tell that Jess (being the heartless bitch he is ) was uncomfortable.

"Cool okay byeeee," I said but she didn't budge," I said byeeeeeeee."

"I'm sorry just excited, if you ever need info or anything please ask me, I would love to be in your club," she said as she left.

"So what are we going to do about those boys?"Dan asks.

" Let's just go to class," Pat suggests and we all leave.


We all sashayed to class and to be one hundred percent honest, class was worse.

All these nerds and weirdos started oogling me, (no offense to the wierdos and nerds who read this, I love y'all so much and I'm not a mean person so please don't get hurt or mad at me.  😘😘😋). 

I wanted to stab one who was literally drooling while staring at me making me roll my eyes instead.

After class was done, all these nerds started asking me if I could  give them my assignment and they do it for me and honestly that was wierd and nagging since I was actually smart enough to do my own freaking assignment.


"So hey what you guys plan to do now?" I asked after classes where done for the day.

"That nerdy girl Mandy told me that we have a theater on campus, let's go check it out," Pat said.

"Wait how did she tell you and when did you two start talking to each other?" Jess asked.

"We are in the same business class," he replied.

"We are going to be the school's mean boys  but we should at least spare the already unfortunate and go for the big shots like those twerps," Dan stated.

"I like the sound of that," Jess agreed.

We all walked like forever to reach the school theater hall and it was a huge building and there where literally many other buildings that where huge too and widely spaced.

We walked in and a wave of sweat stench engulfed our nostrils.

God my nose feels like it is drying up and ready to fall off.

"Oh God, my nose wants to fall off," Jess exclaimed.

Did that bitch read my mind?

Sometimes he and I where in sync like sisters shocking since he actually had a twin sister.

"Sorry guys the map was wrong, the theater was actually back near the ITC building," Pat said as he checked his school map again.

"So where are we?" Dan asked.

I walked to the second door and walked in, on seeing a basketball setting I knew where we where.

"Hey guys we are at the g........," I was interrupted by a ball hitting me.

"Ouch what the fucking fuck is wrong with you?" I turn as I see some three tall guys standing as they watched me like how a person watches their parents after they have seen them fall embarrassingly.

"Sorry," one of them finally blurts out.

"Like can't y'all watch where you throw your balls," Dan yelled as he glared at them.

The boys( who were possibly I'm their  third year here)  ignored him and walked towards us.

"So hey, my name is Alex, and this is Zane and Andrew," the jerk who hit me introduced himself.

Dan started to twirl his hair as he  send flirty looks to Andrew.

"Can you control yourself, and don't you have a boyfriend already?" I whisper to him.

"Don't worry, I'm straight," Andrew answers as he winks at me making Alex glare at him.

"Okay girl what's this nonsense about?" Jess asks as he walks in with Pat following.

"Oh hey look, that is the crazy fairy," Andrew teased making every one laugh but us.

"Sorry, don't hurt me," Andrew says sarcastically when Jess crosses his arms around his chest and glares at him.

"We don't have time for this, we have to check the theater out," Jess says.

"We can come too, since you guys are new we can show you around," Zane offers.

"Do we look like we need someone to guide us around school, besides this is a campus not a new country," Jess turns him down.

The door slams open and the twerps and some of the hunky guys walk in.

The leader of the twerps pauses and looks at Jess in disgust.

"So your talking to this crazy fairy," the leader states as he looks at Zane.

"What's wrong with you?" Jess asked him.

"Your rotten ass that's what," the leader said.

"God leave us alone," Pat said as he walked in front of the leader.

"No what you gonna do?" The leader asked.


"That," Jess said as he watch the leader massage his cheek after the Jessy dose he had received.

"Forgive my brother Collin, he is just naturally mean,"Zane said as he held Jess's shoulder.

"Let's go," Jess told us as he shook off Zane's hand.

"I am going to ruin your life here,"the leader yelled as we walked away, "I'm going to make you wish you never came here."



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