Chapter 36: Leaving ✔

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      I lay in Sam's bed with my knees pulled up to my chest. I slide off and grab my jeans off the floor, pulling them on. I walk into the living room and look around the room. The glass had been cleaned up by us and Sam bought replacements for every piece of glass I broke even when I insisted on buying it myself or having Damien replace it. Sam had gone to work a couple hours after Damien left once he made sure that none of the electrical wires in the house needed replaced.

      I pull on my tank top and scratch a note out for Sam, placing it on his fridge. I walk out the front door after I slipped into my shoes. I walk down the street and along side the highway. The wind blows my hair as I feel the sun light up my sad eyes. I stare straight ahead as I walk until I  see the gas station I've visited so many times.

      I look around as I squint against the sun's rays. My hair flies into my face and I look down to the beach. I start walking again and continue until I'm standing in front of the place I'd come to know as home. Damien's car sits next to me as I look at it. I walk up the steps to the front door and push it open.

      Eyes find my face and I stand in the doorway for a moment. No one says anything to me as I walk into the living room. My eyes run from face to face until they land on Damien who is avoiding my gaze.

      "I just came by to pick up a few things," I say as I stare at him.

      "What do you mean?" Leo asks as he stands.

      "Where are you going?" Marcus asks worriedly.

      "Don't know yet," I say as Damien's eyes finally meet mine.

      "Why are you leaving?" asks Owen.

      "I thought he'd have already told you or that maybe you had seen it."

Damien's eyes widen as I look at him.

      "Apparently, I'm too much of a whore to stay here."

Their jaws drop and I walk toward the stairs.

      I go up to my room and find the largest bag I own and fill it with as much as I can. I grab my phone and my keychain. I pull the house key off and grab the tin I'd been placing change and tips into and shove it into the bag. I walk down the stairs as I hear overlapping voices questioning Damien.

      "Why is she leaving Damien?" asks Leo.

      "We just got her back," says Owen.

      "What happened?" asks Marcus.

      "Why didn't you guys come home last night?" asks Leo.

      "Why did you come home alone this morning?" asks Owen.

I hit the bottom of the stairs and look at them. I step up to the island and set my key on it.

      "I'm going to leave you all with a parting gift that will answer your questions. You may end up thinking the same thing about me that Damien does, or you may not. Either way, I won't be here to hear it."

      I look into Damien's eyes as I think about what had happened in the last eighteen hours. I left nothing out. Every touch, kiss, moan and orgasm was heard and seen. His eyes widen as he sees it all including my face when he hurt me so deeply.

      "Think what you will about me, but know this... I loved each one of you," I say as I tuck my hand in my back pocket.

I walk out the door with my bag hanging over my shoulder.

      I look at my phone as I walk down the road. I scroll through all of the pictures I'd taken after getting it. Pictures of Damien and Leo that make me smile. The ones I had to sneak with Marcus because he won't smile if you ask and the ones of Owen cooking. I turn it off and tuck it into my bag as I grab some money.

      I shove it into my back pocket and walk up to the gas station. I step inside and look at the cashier.

      "You wouldn't happen to have the greyhound schedule, would you?" I ask.

      "Here you go," she says as she hands me the pamphlet.

I look it over and see that the next bus would be at the station in an hour. I pull out a black hoodie and slip it on as I walk. I barely look around as I stay stuck in my head thinking about everything that had happened.

      It takes me half an hour to get there, so I sit down as I watch people walk by with their loved ones or walk up to the loved ones they came there for. I look away and stare at my feet. I hear tires to a vehicle as it parks in front of me. I stand and throw my bag over my shoulder before I look up to see if it was the bus. My eyes land on Damien's and I immediately turn away to walk.

      Pain surges through my abdomen and I look down as my eyes widen. A hand has jammed a knife into my stomach. I look into their face, but only see their eyes and lips. Blood pours out of my mouth as my brows draw up in confusion. Their eyes are a dark and sinister hazel brown. Their lips curl up in a blood chilling smile as they twist the knife and pull it out.

      I can barely hear Damien as he comes up behind me.

      "Celene... Please don't walk away... I'm-I'm sorry..." he says, sounding like he's at the other end of a very long tunnel.

I drop my bag off of my shoulder and stumble a little sideways as I turn to face him. His face is immediately horrified as I gurgle.


My legs give out under me and I fall sideways.

      "Someone call an ambulance!" Damien yells as he catches me.

      "I... Saw... Their... Eyes," I gurgle as my vision starts to fade.

Sirens interrupt the faded voices as Damien talks to me and presses down on my bleeding stomach.

      I breathe short, gurgling breaths as I struggle to remain conscious. Sam appears in uniform and looks down at me. His voice echoes as he says my name. He looks at Damien who is struggling to stop the bleeding as he holds back tears. Sam's hands come down around Damien's trying to contain the bleeding even more. I look at them and take a deep, shaky breath.

      I push the last of my energy out and send all five of them everything I've ever felt, seen and heard. Everything I've felt for each of them and what I was feeling right then. Sam and Damien look down at me with tears in their eyes as I take one last breath and all the light leaves my body.

N/A 1/5/2022

Sorry to do this. Don't hate me.

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