Chapter 32: Deep Dive

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      I sit in my wheel chair and think about the progress I've made in one session. Then I think about what he said. I smile to myself and wonder if he's just shy. I hear the doors open behind me and I turn the wheel chair around.

      "That was quick."

I don't see him  as I look around confused.


      The hairs on the back of my neck stand up as my eyes widen.

      "Hello? Who's there? Can I help you with something?"

Silence is all I hear before I feel myself being pushed closer to the pool. I start to panic when I realize I was facing the deep end.

      "Wait! Stop! Please! Why are you doing this?!"

I take a breath just as my wheel chair is flipped into the pool. I resurface and gasp for air.

      "Help! Sam! Somebody! Help!"

      I sink below the surface again and thrash as hard as I can. I resurface a little and gasp for a tiny breath. I go back under and inhale water. I thrash some more as I try to swim to the edge of the pool. I reach up and smack my hand against the side, unable to grab the edge as I frantically kick for momentum. My vision blurs and my hand sinks back under the water. I hear a splash as I feel myself drift off.

      "Come on! Breathe! Breathe dammit!"

      I cough and roll onto my side as water spurts from my mouth. I gasp for air and barely let my eyes adjust before speaking.

      "Someone... Was... Here," I whisper.

      "Who? Did you see them?" Sam asks frantically.

I shake my head and try to catch my breath. After a few moments I'm able to speak better.

      "I thought you came back in until I sensed them behind me. I asked who they were, what they wanted, but they never said anything. Then they pushed me into the pool. I never saw who it was or heard them even breathe. I don't know," I say shakily.

      "That's the second time I've drowned. Maybe I should stay away from water."

      "Maybe," says Sam with a weak chuckle.

I smile at his humor and my teeth start to chatter.

      "Here. Let's get you away from the pool and into some dry clothes," he says as he picks me up.


      "Yeah?" he asks as he looks at me.

      "Thank you for saving me," I say with a smile.

      Sam smiles down at me and pushes through the doors, grabbing the crutches and tucking them under his arm. He sits me down in a chair and grabs two towels. He wraps them around me and walks into the men's locker room. Sam comes back out in a pair of jeans and a white tee. He pokes his head out of the door and has someone call for June.

      After a few minutes of trying to dry myself off and Sam helping to warm me up, I'm almost dry. I look up at him with my wild and curly hair fluffed into my face. He looks at me and smiles, chuckling.

      "What?" I ask with a grin.

      "You look adorable," he says.

I blush a little and he brushes the hair out of my face. The touch of his hand on my cheek makes heat rise through my body and settle in my core, making me gasp softly.

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