Chapter 14: Moving On

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      I walk over to the gas station connected to the phone store and buy a popsicle. I wait outside, leaning up against their car. I watch them as Leo nudges Marcus in the ribs when they're leaving the store. I suck on the popsicle and wave at them. I look Damien right in the eyes as he makes his way to the car.

      I turn away and look at the ocean as I finish my popsicle and the wind blows my hair in my face. I throw the stick away as I turn back around to face them.

      "About that ride?" I ask with a smile.

Damien opens the passenger door for me and I mouth a thank you to him before grinning. I climb in and Damien sets the bag with my new phone and case, in my lap.

      "What did you tell your roommates?" asks Owen from behind me.

      "Nothing. They weren't home," I say as I start opening up the box my phone is in.

      "I did leave a note though."

I stuff everything in my bag and look out the window as Damien drives us back to their house.

      When we get there I immediately plug the phone in and wait for it to charge. After it has charged enough to turn on, I start setting it up as I sit on the floor. It starts to ding repeatedly, showing missed messages and calls as well as voicemails.

      "Dear god, that's a lot of messages," I say as I open the first one.

The first few were worried voicemails but the texts were life updates. Ali had moved in with his boyfriend last week. Luc was travelling the world with the girl he met at the party Damien and his brothers had and Matt had decided to move to England.

      I couldn't wrap my mind around everything I was reading and hearing. Tears fill my eyes and my bottom lip trembles as reality hits me.

      "My house is empty," I whisper.

      "They're all gone. I missed everything. How could all of this happen in two weeks?"

I stand up and walk out the front door. I sit on a stone bench out front under a large tree, scrolling through my social media.

      My family is gone and I wasn't there to see them or explain what had happened to me. They must think I just left.

I stand up and wipe away tears.

      I turn to head back inside and find Damien standing in front of me.

      "Are you okay Celene?" he asks.

      "We heard you saying something about your roommates being gone. What happened?"

      "They all moved on while I was here fighting for my life. I didn't get to see them or tell them I was okay. I may never see the twins again and Ali has moved in with his boyfriend. How did so much change so quickly?" I ask with my lip trembling.

He pulls me in for a hug, wrapping his arms around me in a warm embrace. I bury my face in his chest and cry softly. He lifts my chin to look up at him and wipes away my tears.

      "What do you want to do now?" he asks.

      "I need to pack up my things. I can't afford the house on my own. I also need to get a hold of my landlord, so I need a ride there," I say as I sniffle.

      "Okay. We'll help you if you want," he offers.

      "No it's fine. The only things I'll need help with are my bed, dresser and desk. So I'll call you later for that," I say as we head back inside.

      "All right. I'm ready whenever you are."

      "Ready for what?" asks Leo, leaning over the island next to Marcus.

      "Celene needs to head back to her place," Damien supplies.

      "I'm packing my things up. I'm going to look for a smaller place now that I'm alone," I say softly.

      "We'll help you Celene," says Marcus.

      "Thank you. I'll call when I need it, I promise, but I'm gonna do what I can by myself," I say.

      "Ready?" asks Damien after he pulls on his leather jacket and grabs his keys.

      "Yeah," I say and gather up my things.

      "I'll be back shortly," says Damien to his brothers.

We walk out to his car and make our way to my place.

      He drops me off reluctantly and I pack up as much as I can on my own. I sit on the floor of my, now, empty room. I look at the bare walls, where posters and pictures once hung. My heart aches as I look around. I empty my fridge of whatever was left by my roommates and plop down on a box.

      I look up and find Damien leaning against the door frame with a moody look on his face.

      "What's that face for?" I ask and stand.

      "My brothers and I had a talk. We decided to offer you a place to stay. We don't want you to feel alone," he says.

      "I don't want to impose," I say.

      "Please, you are welcome to impose. You practically live there anyway. Why not get a room out of it?" he asks with a crooked smile.

      "You don't mind?" I ask as I bite my lip.

      "We don't mind. I promise," he says and smiles at me.

I tackle him with a hug and grin.

      "Thank you Damien," I say as I hug him.

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