Chapter 3: The Ride

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      I climb out of the bus at the gas station at the end of my street, a mile away from my house. I push open the door to my place and walk in. I pop my earbuds out and turn off my music as I look around the dark, quiet house. I go to the twin's room and gently knock on their door. When they don't answer I go to my room for a shower.

      I wash the sand off my body and the salt from my hair before I climb out and get dressed. I pull on another pair of tattered shorts and a thin, plaid button-up over a crop top. I slip into my backup chucks, that aren't filled with sand, and grab my phone. I step out of my room and close the door behind me as I walk down the hallway. As I guess they aren't home, I pull up my contacts and shoot a message at the twins.

     My phone rings almost as soon as the messages are sent and I answer.

     "Celene? Where are you?"

I can barely hear him over the music in the background.

     "Luc? Where are you? I can barely hear you," I say as I try to concentrate on his voice.

     "We're at that party. We thought you were already here."

    "No. Didn't you read my text?" I ask.

     "Not really. I saw your name and called. Do you want us to come get you? Or would you rather we call Ali?" he asks.

      "No. He's with his boyfriend, remember? He'll have the car all night," I reply.

     "Right. Forgot."

I got to the kitchen and get myself some water as I feel suddenly parched. I gulp it down in mere seconds before getting more.

      "Just get Damien and ask him to give me a ride," I say and gulp down the second glass.

God, I'm thirsty.

      "Which one is Damien again?" he asks.

      "Black hair. Blue eyes," I reply.

      "Right," he says.

      "Shoot me a text after you ask him," I say as I sit down at the kitchen table with a large bowl of salad.

      I'm so hungry. How long was I out for?

      "All right, talk later."

      "Bye Luc."

I hang up the phone and shovel in a forkful of salad.

      I wolf down as much of the salad as I can before sitting back for a second. I pick up the container and close it before putting it back in the fridge. I go back to my room and brush my teeth. My phone dings as I leave.

    Luc😋-  Damien's coming to pick you up.

I bite my lip as I think about the ride there. I place my phone in my pocket and walk into the living room.

      I hear a car engine as I step through the archway. I cock my head curiously to the side and pull the curtain to the slightly away from the window so I can peek out. My eyes go wide as I see Damien stepping out of the car. I turn the lights off and open the door before he can even knock.

      "That was fast," I say with a smile.

      "Well, I didn't want to make you wait," he says returning my smile.

My smile grows as I look at him, then I turn and lock my door.

     I clip my keys to my belt loop and turn to face him. He opens the car door for me and I climb in. I watch as he walks around the car to the driver's side. The leather seat is cool on my legs as we drive off toward the party. The drive is nice, but quiet.

      I look at him from the side as the street lights shine over every one of his tanned features. I bite my lip as I look at him and sigh softly. He turns and looks at me. My breath becomes heavy as I look into his eyes. He looks away from me and turns down a dirt road away from the street lights.

      The car stops suddenly and I look around in the darkness. I hear his voice next to my ear. It sinks into my body causing it to react. I was hot all over in an instant, covering my skin in goosebumps. I bite my lip as his hot breath blows against my ear, driving me crazy.

     I turn and feel his breath on my face. I can hear him panting.  I feel his hand travel up my shoulder and gently slide over the side of my neck as he cups my jaw. My breath turns ragged as I feel his nose graze mine.

      I lean a little and find his lips as they softly touch mine. My body craves his touch and I want more, I want to taste him. His breath blasts my face as he leans in closer and I inhale his essence. I breathe shakily as he starts kissing me. I kiss him hungrily as I lean into him.

      His chest is hard and heaving under my hands. I gasp as his lips travel to my neck, nipping at the tender flesh before moving to my earlobe. I moan softly as he nibbles the edge of it. I lean against him more and he lifts me into his lap. Damien kisses me with a hunger to match my own with his hands under the edge of my shirt, gliding over my skin.

     He groans softly into my mouth as I grab a handful of his black shirt. A blinding light shines right in our faces as someone taps on the window. My face turns so many shades of red as I climb off Damien's lap. He rolls down the window.

      "Sorry to interrupt, but you're on private property," the officer says.

      "Oh, I'm well aware. I live here," Damien says with a smile.

      "I'm sorry Mr. Polnor. I didn't recognize you. You two have a good night," the officer says as Damien looks at him and smiles before rolling up the window.

I stare at him in disbelief. He looks at me with his brows knit with concern.

      "What's the matter?" he asks.

      "I didn't know you were one of the Polnor boys. I would never have guessed," I say with a smile.

He returns my smile and shifts the car back into gear and we take off for the house.

-Theirs- A Reverse Harem -Book One-حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن