Chapter 2: An Evening Dip

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      I sit down at a bench and start to fan myself. My body is on fire and I don't understand why. I look around as I pant and gasp trying to cool my sweat covered skin. I can feel eyes on me but I can't find the face attached. I pull out a rogue magazine from my bag and fan myself vigorously. I bite my lip as I think of each of the four dreamy boys.

      In my mind I can see Damien, Leo, Marcus and Owen's faces smoldering. The thought  of them makes me hiss as I suck air through my teeth. I can't bare this anymore so I slip on my shorts and chucks before taking off to a more deserted part of the beach. I gasp at the pressure building deep inside like a primal need so I speed up. The further away I am the better I start to feel.

      I shoot a text to Ali and Luc about heading home early. I look out at the horizon as the sun starts to drop a little. Stepping closer to the water's edge, I kick off my chucks before sliding out of my shorts. I lay everything on my towel from my bag and step closer to the water, until my toes are splashed with the cold, salty water. I walk further into the water as it comes up above my hips, then I dive in.

      The water soothes my hot skin and cools my core until I feel normal once again. I look around as I swim out a bit, watching the wild life around me. The colors are beautiful as I admire the small schools of fish and the coral. My smile fades as searing pain fills my body, making me writhe. I open my mouth, in a scream, and release all of the air in my lungs.

      My hands shoot to my throat as my body cries for oxygen. The pain is becoming unbearable. Everything passes by in flashes as my body feels like it's being torn apart. I try to cry out, but no sound escapes my lips. I begin to panic and try to swim to the surface but my body isn't responding like it should.

      I'm about to die.

      My eyes fly open and I fight with every ounce of my strength to reach the surface. I gasp once I'm above the water and I struggle to climb out. Darkness returns once I'm ashore, passing out from a lack of oxygen.

      I feel warmth all over my skin. I snuggle closer to it as it wraps around me. I sigh , content, with the feeling of comfort and safety. My eyes open slowly and I see a mass of tanned limbs encompassing me. Four sets of arms squeeze me gently as I look around.

      I realize that I am still on the beach when I smell the salty air and feel the moist wind on my skin. The arms coil around me like snakes around its prey. I move to sit up and they tighten. I search for hands in the sea of arms. When I find one, I  gently lift it and remove myself from their grasp.

      I look at the sun setting over the ocean for a moment before turning around. I look at the pile of bodies. 

    Wait. Is that Damien? Leo? Owen? Marcus? What the hell happened?

I stare in disbelief at the four guys. I feel the hairs on the back of my neck stand up as if someone is behind me.

      What was that?

I rub the back of my neck and see purple spark up in front of me.

      I look down at my hand and see that same purple jump from fingertip to fingertip. My eyes widen as I watch it but I feel the hair on the back of neck stand on end again, so I turn around to face the guys looking right at my hands. My immediate reaction is to hide it behind my back. All four of them move closer to me with curious expressions. Damien reaches out and takes my arm.

      He pulls it from behind my back and examines my fingers, gently touching the tips and my palm. I blush at how tender my fingers feel under his touch. Goosebumps form all over my body as electricity flows from where his hands are touching me, making my breath catch in my chest. I look from his hands on mine to his eyes. They seem to be a brighter blue than before.

      My breathing is shallow and heavy as I look at him. I feel another set of hands land on my arm and stomach. Another pair on my hips from behind and another set on my back and shoulder from my right. I close my eyes and bite my lip as I let the feeling envelope my body. I feel hot breath on my face and neck and then, nothing. All I feel is the cold breeze over the ocean.

     I open my eyes and find myself lying on the beach, alone.

     Did I just dream all of that? I must have. Did I almost drown?

I shake my head and grab my stuff. I get dressed and check my phone. Matt and Luc called and texted me four times asking where I was. I shoot them a text saying I was on my way home and take off running from the beach to the nearest bus stop just in time to catch the last one of the night. I pop my earbuds in and listen to music as I mull over the strange dream I had after drowning.

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