Chapter 17: Aftermath Pt.1

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      Before I know it, the sun is up and I've been brushing my hair for a few hours. The whole house is awake and, even though I want to stay in my room all day, I grab clothes and head for the bathroom. I step inside and lock the door behind me. I feel numb as I step under the hot water, trying to wash away the anger and guilt I feel for the previous night. I drop to the bottom of the shower and hug my knees to my chest.

      Why wouldn't he stop? Is that truly who he is or was that the first time it's ever happened?

      I wash up, barely seeing anything outside my own thoughts. I wrap a towel around myself and stare at my night shirt laying on the floor. Anger and regret fill me and I throw it in the garbage can next to the sink. I shimmy into a pair of jeans and pull on a hoodie. I tie up my hair in a bun and slip on my chucks once I'm back in my room.

      I make my way, slowly, to the stairs and take a deep breath before walking down them. I head into the kitchen an pass Leo on my way.

      "Morning Celene," he says cheerfully.

      "Morning," I says softly as I quickly grab a cup, filling it with water.

I walk back toward the living room and Owen gently touches my arm. I gasp and drop the glass, shattering it on the floor. I bend down and start to clean up the pieces.

      Damien squats down in front of me and scoops up some of the glass.

      "Are you okay?" he asks as I stare at the floor.

      I squeeze the shards in my hand and drop them before I run out the front door, trailing blood behind me. When I'm far enough away, I look down at my hand and start pulling out tiny pieces of leftover glass. I gather the pieces and drop them in a nearby trash can. I walk into the gas station there and look to the boy behind the counter.

      "Do you have a first aid kit?" I ask him.

      "In the back... Why?" he asks me.

I lift my hand and his eyes go wide.

      "Come on. I'll get you bandaged up. What's your name?" he asks as he leads me through a door in the back.

      "Celene," I say softly.

      He beckons for me to sit so I do. I watch as he pulls a large box from behind a small TV. He sits down across from me and pops it open. He pulls a can of saline wash out and some gauze and tape. He sprays my hand and I wince as I bite my lip, hard.

      "Sorry," he says and gently wipes away some blood.

      After a few minutes my hand is wrapped up and I go to stand.

      "I should take you to a hospital," he says as he stands quickly.

      "You don't need to do that. I'll be fine," I say with a small smile.

      "Those cuts are pretty deep Celene. I can't just let you leave without you promising me you'll go see a doctor," he says as I go to walk away.

      "I promise," I say.

His posture relaxes and I smile at him once more before walking out the door. The bell dings on the gas station door as I push it open and continue to walk. I push open the door to a free clinic and ask the receptionist if I could see a doctor quickly as I hold out my dripping bandages. Her eyes go wide and she nods to a nearby nurse.

      The nurse takes me back to a room where I wait for five minutes before a doctor comes in. I stand at the sink with my hand in it.

      "I hear you need stitches," says a very familiar voice behind me.

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