Chapter 10: The Storm

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      I open my eyes to find myself on the beach with nothing but a blanket and a storm overhead. I look into the dark clouds as the wind whips my hair around. Electricity courses through my veins and I know what I must do.

      I feel it. I'm not sure why but I have to.

I close my eyes and try to concentrate on the power running through my blood stream. I lift my arm and open my eyes.

      Purple lightning shoots from my palm and into the blackest center of the storm. The sky thundered in protest as it tried to throw it back at me. I pour more of myself into the current, making the purple turn blue. A moment later it turns green, and finally orange. I dig even deeper, but don't find any more.

      My legs feel weak as I lose control of the lightning, burning my chest when it strikes me. My screams can't be heard over the raging storm as I collapse on the sand. The next sounds I hear is that of screeching tires and people shouting. My eyes fly open and breath fills my lungs once again and I cough. The wind becomes stronger and whips my hair in my face with grains of sand pelting my skin.

      I can't make out who is running toward me as my eyes water from the sharp wind and sand. A sandy vortex begins to spin around me while I blink away tears. The sand cuts at my skin and I hiss in pain. I cough, finding it harder to breath. More sand flies into my mouth and nose.


I look around, squinting, as I try to find whoever is saying my name.

      I put my hand in front of my face to block out the sand and hear it again.


      "Damien?!" I shout over the roar of the storm.

      "I can't move!"

      "I'm coming Celene!" he shouts as I see blue lightning strike the ground near me.

I hear a scream as the lightning impacts the ground.

      "Damien?! Are you okay?!"

I don't hear his response and I start to worry as I cough more. It gets harder and harder to breathe as I look around. I look toward the water and  try to shuffle closer to it.

      If I can get to the water, maybe it will dissipate the sand vortex.

      I reach outside of the vortex and cry out in pain. I pull my hand back in and hold it to my chest.

      If I step out, the vortex will shred me to pieces.

I look up and realize the only thing I can do is try again. I reach my left hand up and push everything out of me as I scream.

       The harder I push, the more I give.

My lightning twists around itself as it starts to change color. Blue, green, orange and purple shoot up into the clouds.

      I dig deeper still and scream louder. My eyes widen as a weak smile stretches over my face. White lightning shoots out of my chest, pouring into the swirling streams. Once I have nothing left, everything stops and I fall to my knees. My breath is shallow and weak as I look up at the sky, watching the mysterious storm retreat and fade away.

      I wheeze and look around. My eyes finally land on Damien and I frantically stumble to his side.

      Thank the heavens he's not dead!

I brush the sand off of his face and place my left hand on his chest. I lay my head on his chest as I struggle to catch my breath.

      "Damien... I can't- I can't breathe... Wake up... Please-"I whisper as the edges of my vision blur and turn black.

I gasp and struggle for breath as I lay there.

      Tears stream down the side of my face as I listen to my heart beat grow slower and slower.

      I can hear voices in the distance. Maybe they'll hear me.

      "Marcus? Leo? Help-" I whisper, almost inaudibly.

I see a tiny bit of light in the darkness as it grows closer. I hear Damien groan under me as he wakes up.

      "Wh- What? Celene? Wait... Celene?! No, not again... Oh God. She's not breathing! Marcus, help me!"

      "There's so much blood. H-How much of it is hers?"

      "All of it."

      "The amount of sand- I'm not sure what I can do."

      "Just do something!"

      "I'll do what I can. Just hold her still Damien."

      "Just hurry Marcus!"

I feel myself float off, seeing nothing but darkness. I look around as I float and in the distance, I see a pulsing light behind a door. I tilt my head curiously as I land on my feel. I stand in front of it and reach for the knob. I open the door and I'm being pulled away from it as the door slams shut and disappears.


Wonder what's happening? Keep reading. Things keep getting more and more exciting from here and maybe a little strange. As always, leave a comment. Tell me what you think. I'll be reading them all. Thanks!

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